No Spinning Death Animation
This will simply remove the spinning around dance animation that they do before dying they will now just ragdoll when killed. Works for kills and dying from a high fall. It will not affect killmoves.
Includes the Removal of certain creature death pause animations
Also removes certain creature death pause animations which cause them to lose all momentum, animation snap upon dying, and have no physical push based on your attacks. Includes dragons, falmer, riekling, wolf, spider, giant, horker, bear and spriggan
Change Log
*Version 1.3*
-Removed death pause animation for horkers and bears
-Renamed merged plugin
*Version 1.2*
-Removed death animations for the following
*Version 1.1*
-Removed death pause animation for falmer and riekling
-Added a plugin that merges all changes
-Reverted a unintended edit with dragon bite grapples (possible Creation Kit generated bug)
Can be installed using NMM or other mod managers
extract the .esp file into:
-Open the Skyrim launcher\NMM
-Click on data files
-Check the box for the files from this mod.