ICRA – Immersive Craftable Robed Armor (with requiem patch)
Add robes to your armor by either crafting a mundane one with linen, painstakingly binding a magical robe to it, or just adding mage robes over it without any training or technique. How hard can it be to just throw some wizard robes over your armor, right?
Version: 1.0
1. Introduction
2. Contents
3. Instalation
4. To-Do List
5. Credits
6. Permissions
Are you a battlemage and always wanted to use your trusty honest-to-zenithar heavy armor while keeping the juicy benefits of your fancy college robes? Are you a requiem player and always looked at the guards and thought “wish I could use that”? Did you ever say or think “how hard could it be to throw a robe over your armor”? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this mod is for.
If not, well… it may also be for you.
As the name spoils, this mod adds craftable robed armors. Now you can combine your armor with those robes and keep the best of both worlds!
This mod first started as me playing a Vigilant of Stendarr on Requiem and cursing the admittedly nice for a starting character robed vigilant armor for being so limited and with such a weak enchantment. As I expanded the robed armor I decided to make them craftable, then added other schools, then make them split-able, then, then, then…
Eventually it started getting big and I realized it would end three times bigger than that and that I probably should release it on the nexus.
-Adds an immersive way to create robed armor by using the tanning rack to combine an armor chestpiece with college robes to get a robed armor. Also use the tanning rack to split the robed armor and get both pieces back.
-Recipes for Steel Plate, Ebony and Legendary Steel Plate (requiem-only) robed chestpieces.
-Recipes for all five magical schools at all five power levels.
-Custom Apprentice-mesh textures for Expert and Master robes (that normally use the Expert mesh). They suck a bit, but I tried my best to keep the color scheme. NOTE: Currently looking for a donation of better Expert and Master textures!
-Recipes for crafting nonmagical versions of college robes in the five avaiable colors.
-Two slots for you to install any apprentice-mesh robe texture you want. Craft the custom robe and combine it with your armor!
-Requiem-Only: Recipes for crafting robes in the colors of the 9 holds, plus Empire and Stormcloak. Also combining them with armor to get that heavy city guard look you craved so much.
-Three methods for immersive robed armor crafting!
1 – Combine a mundane robe with your armor. This requires no experience at all. You may even craft your own robe.
2 – Properly bind a magical robe to your armor. As any enchanter knows, as the enchantment is weaved into the very fabric of the robes, removing parts of it and adding what’s left to armor requires energy and some training if you want to keep the magic intact. You’ll need the first Enchanting perk and a suitable empty soul gem, but you’ll keep the enchantment in one piece and when disassembling the piece the robe will be intact.
3 – How hard can it be to throw a magical robe over your armor? Simply take both to the tanning rack and haphazardly and without knowledge or care for the lack of it combine them into a perfectly fine robed armor! See? That wasn’t so hard. No need for that wizarding stuff!*
*May or may not completly ruin the enchantment. Discerning robed-armor-crafter might want to ignore the third option, at risk of opening a small oblivion rift and summoning a dremora warrior** when destroying the enchantment.
**Feature may or may not have been coded into the mod. We’re not sure after so many variations of robed armor.
This mod comes in two versions:
Requiem: The Full version. I play requiem only so the full experience of the mod is possible only to requiem players. Since we used assets from requiem, just the main download is enough.
No Requiem: The compatibility version. Doesn’t have the city robes and the legendary steel plate versions.
(OPTIONAL) ICRA Patches – AMB Textures: For both Requiem and No Requiem users. Use this if you use the Book of Silence plate armor textures. I suspect most everyone and their housecarls use it, but since some might not I decided to not pack it into the base file.
If you want to use the provided two slots for custom robe textures, follow these steps:
1 – Rename your apprentice-mesh texture of choice to Custom1m for males and Custom1f for females. Use Custom2m for males and Custom2f for females to use the second custom slot.
2 – Drop them directly into the Textures folder (I know, longtime modders won’t like this, but I just wanted to make it easier on begginers).
3 – Craft a Custom Robe at the tanning rack.
Remember: Robe textures *must* be from the apprentice-type mesh, or they’ll be all bizarre-ish ingame. Might make for an interesting sight however.
1 – Find a kind soul to provide better apprentice-mesh textures in the color scheme of the Expert and Master robes. Mine got the color mostly right but I think they suck. Oh poor us mortals using this mod, if there was a single kind soul well versed in texture badassary reading this. Wink wink nudge nudge.
2 – Do a Opulent Outfits compatibily version.
3 – Find out if zer0morph from Behind the Curtain fame can provide an apprentice-mesh texture for his priest robes so I can make a behind the curtain patch so we can finally get some proper paladins with divine-colored robes full of blessings! Ah my own char would surely benefit from that!
New modders like me stand on the shoulders of giants. Thank you to everyone that created these assets and the people who patiently helped me with my scripting issues. In no particular order:
benLocoDete and EpicCrab: Of /skyrimmods/ subreddit fame. Both helped me make sense of papyrus scripting, allowing me to tackle adapting and expanding campfire’s script. You guys rock, thanks a lot.
CaBaL120: For the Book of Silence textures. Thanking him is kinda a moot point since he’s more or less a god in these parts. I think “praise you CaBaL120” is more fitting…
Chesko: For the Campfire backpack-and-amulet script without which this mod would still work but we couldn’t give back the robes when disassembling the robed armor. Also disassembling an armor would give crafting xp, and that would be weird. I certainly would have to take the Immersive from the title!
dopalacz: For the original SPOA Silver Knight Armor, used on Requiem.
hideouscircus: For the assests of Skyrim Knights, used on Requiem.
Madcat221: For the Robed Steel Plate Armor, used on Skyrim Knights and Requiem. Also for the Robed Ebony Armor.
ogerboss and requiem team: For, well, Requiem.
zer0morph: That gave us Behind the Curtain, which inspired me to play a Vigilant of Stendarr, that in turn led me to creating this mod. Also zer0morph that at the time of this typing doesn’t know, but will certainly grant our request and provide some apprentice-mesh textures in the color scheme of his divine robes. Thanks zer0!
You: Yes, you! No, not “you that are downloading”, but you “that will provide us with better textures”. You’re such a nice guy. Oh yeah, and thank you that are downloading; you’re ok I guess.
I don’t own jack s$%# in this mod, so I don’t think I’m one to give permissions here. But seriously, here are the permissions:
This file is a Nexus-exclusive release. Do not reupload it elsewhere.
You do not need permission to translate this mod within the Nexus.
You do not need permission to create patches and other texture packs.
You need to ask the original authors to use any of the assets in the mod. The exception are the robe_variant3, robe_variant4, custom1 and custom2 dds files. Those were created by me and you may use them as you see fit. They are s$%# tho.