Vivid Landscapes – Rocking Stones and Mountains Two
Parallax-depth & quality textures for rocks
fully compatible with ENBs terrain parallax
I decided to make a new improved mountain mod separated from original Rocking Stones….
images are always welcome 🙂
The package applies parallax-depth to rock and mountain meshes, they will come out more “3D”.
I put a light, a middle & a dark grey hightmap to the package to adapt the different types of meshes, some come out very bad if a strong parallax is used on them.
I added two matching rocky ground textures as well, they are fully compatible with ENB’s terrain parallax.
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-If you use the parallax -effect in combination with an Enb-preset make sure the line “FixParallaxBugs=true” in “enbseries.ini” is set, -or install the NON-ENB patch
-Enb isn’t absolutely necessary for parallax
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In simple words, parallax is a advancement of normalmapping…
though the depth-information doesn’t get simply “drawn” on the surface, it rather warps
the texture itself in the desired direction.
You can imagine the parallax-texture as kind of radar map like the NASA ones from Venus.
The depth effect can get triangulated out of it.
It is not as sophisticated as high end Tessellation and a much older technique, but still nice 🙂
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If you like this mod, try my other “Vivid Landscapes” series