Dead Body Collision Fix
All dead bodies are now solid and can collide with yourself and other NPCs – no more walking straight through corpses!
All dead bodies are now solid and can collide with yourself and other NPCs – no more walking straight through corpses. This applies to all characters so you can collide / stand on / stack up any corpses within Skyrim (yes even including dragons, giants, mammoths etc.) This should result in a more realistic and immersive experience!
Please note that this mod was made using instructions that I received via Nexus Forums, however for some reason this mod hasn’t actually been released. The true credit goes to the Nexus member “porroone”.
Thank you to SaioTV for showing DBCF on Skyrim Mods Series!
Recommended to just use NMM download and installation. Manual download via loose file optional.
Skyrim (DLC not required)
This mod should not conflict with any other mods.
Just to keep control over matters, permission to redistribute / reupload this file is not granted. This file is for personal use only.
UPDATE: 23/10/13 – If (and only if) I ever self-terminate my Nexus account or become banned then (and only then) I give permission in the form of this notice that another Nexus member can re-upload DBCF to Nexus so you can all have access to the mod.
***Update: 10/02/2013***
I’ve updated the mod which now gives you the ability to disintegrate corpses via a magic spell. This spell is not my work, and has been very kindly provided by the Nexus member BLOODGAZMS. I would’ve been eternally stuck without your help so thank-you. I’d also thank all other contributors to this mod, be it via Nexus forums or the mod comments section.
The spell tome book can be found in Dragonsreach (I’ve added a picture of its location into the images section). Alternatively you can obtain the spell by adding the spell tome or the spell itself via console commands – just type “help disintegrate” and it will tell you the id for the spell tome book and the spell itself, then use either player.addspell or player.placeatme commands with the relevant id codes to get the spell.
Once acquired / added the spell will simply disintegrate corpses when you “shoot” the spell at the corpse. It doesn’t work on alive NPCs, and isn’t “hostile” in any way.
Please note that at this current moment in time, dragons cannot be disintegrated – the game and Creation Kit handles dragons differently to other NPCs. If / when anyone can work out how to make dragon skeletons disintegrate with this spell, then the mod will obviously be updated asap. Please PM me if you wish to help out in any way.
***Update 2:10/02/2013***
v2.1 now uploaded – exactly the same as v2.0 but the spell is now based on Fireball spell.
v2.2 now uploaded – exactly the same as 2.1 but fixed potential occurrence of spell causing health damage and hostility to the living.
***Update 2:14/02/2013***
v2.3 now uploaded – fixed potential occurrence of corpses not disintegrating when using the spell.
***Update :19/02/2013***
v2.4 now uploaded – Fixed potential occurrence of corpses having collisions after being disintegrated. Improved the disintegration visual effect – corpses now disintegrate instead of just disappearing.