Ren’s HD Shrines
A complete and unique overhaul of the Nine Divine Shrines found in Skyrim. Custom re-textures made from scratch with a lot of detail, quirky features, and love <3
So if you want a change, this is for you~!!
All files have the resolution of 1024×1024, double of vanilla
Please endorse this file if you like it ^___^
PLEASE READ THIS when installing
This mod used both textures AND meshes so please install them both, else they won’t work properly!
Works with any mod that involves using shrines, but not mods that add textures.
If you got a Texture Pack that edits the shrines but you want to use this mod, just overwrite them with my files.
If using NMM, it should be straightforward enough; else, extract the contents of the folder into your data folder.
If it prompts you to overwrite anything, it means you have a mod that edits the shrines.
Now comes with a Fomod Installer so you can choose a mixture of original, alternate and vanilla shrines to your liking!!
Version History and changes
Main file includes alternate shrines along with original
Fomod Installer released so can choose between original shrines, alternate and vanilla!
De-saturated Arkay shrine.
Fixed Akatosh shrine loading screen lack of colors.
Main File released
People I want to thank
I want to thank these people for their deep support in my work <3