Finally First Person Magic Animation for SSE
First person magic casting animation.
This will replace first person magic casting animation for
1. Idle, ready and charge
2. Self Release
Fast healing, Oakflesh, etc
3. Far Release
Lightning bolt, Fireball. etc
4. Self Concentration
Healing, etc
5. Aim Concentration
Flames, Sparks, etc
6. Telekinesis
7. Ward
8. Dual casting
9. Master ritual
Update log FPMA 8.0
– New idle
– Destruction casting left hand
– Master ritual spell
Only pick v 7.0 to install, if you want to play randomized go to updates to files also goes there. Installation with NMM or drag & drop to your data folder. Double check your download file is it correctly placed in destination folder
Vanilla magic spell name list in Readme tab, you can remove or replace the animation you dont like with another folder in this mod or simply delete, vanilla animation will replace after restart
Skyrim 32bit