Ashara Merchants and Trainers
This mod adds a merchant and trainer called Xenia to most of the inns of Skyrim. She has a lot of money (30,000 gold coins) and is also a master trainer.
It also adds Bjorn, a merchant that sells all the skill books, alchemy ingredients and metal ingots available in game.
You can not use my assets in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Name: Ashara’s Merchants and Trainers
Version: 3.0
Date: 04-04-2013
Category: Mercantiles
Requirements: latest official Skyrim patch plus all 3 official DLCs
Author(s): Ashara
This mod adds two merchants and trainers called Xenia and Bjorn.
You can find Xenia in most of the inns of Skyrim and at the Inn at Raven Rock. She has a lot of money (30,000 gold coins) and is also a master trainer. She doesn’t sell anything.
Xenia offers the following training services:
1.- Sneak – Windhelm
2.- Destruction – Whiterun
3.- Pickpocket – Solitude
4.- One handed – Riften
5.- Light Armour – Markarth
6.- Enchanting – Morthal
7.- Two handed – Dawnstar
8.- Conjuration – Falkreath
9.- Illusion – Riverwood
10.- Restoration – Rorikstead
11.- Alchemy – Dragon Bridge
12.- Archery – Winterhold
13.- Heavy armour – Ivarstead
14.- Block – Kynesgrove
15.- Alteration – Old Hroldan Inn
16.- Lockpicking – Nightgate Inn
17.- Only buys items – Retching Netch (Raven Rock)
You can find Bjorn in the inns of the five main cities (Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm) and at the Inn at Raven Rock. He sells all the skill books, alchemy ingredients and metal ingots available in game and also all the ingredients available in all three DLCs (Hearthfire, Dawguard and Dragonborn).
Bjorn offers the following training services:
17.- Smithing – Solitude
18.- Speech – Windhelm
Be warned that Skyrim merchants buy/sell options break if they have more than 30,000 gold coins. So, if you buy lots of things from Bjorn an he ends up having more than 30,000 gold coins, you won’t be able of selling him anything (actually, you’d be able to sell them but you won’t receive any gold for the items you sold). If you want to buy and sell from him, sell the items to him before he reaches the 30,000 gold limit.
This Skyrim bug doesn’t apply to training services, i.e., if you buy training services from Xenia and she ends up with more than 30,000 gold coins, you can still sell any items to her without problems: it seems the game handles differently the gold they receive from training services than the gold they receive from bought items.
Required mods
For the main version, all 3 official DLCs:
* Hearthfire
* Dawnguard
* Dragonborn
There is an older version, under the optional files caetgories, that only requires Skyrim (no DLC).
Install using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)
1. Download the file
2. Select the file in the Mods tab of NMM, and click on the “Activates the selected mod” button.
When asked if you want to overwrite existing files say “Yes to all”.
Manual install
1. Extract the files of this mod to a temporary location (you can use 7zip, to unzip them) and chek the folder structure.
2. Copy to (My documents folder) My GamesSkyrimData:
.- the esp file
.- the meshes folder
.- the textures folder
If asked if you want to overwrite existing files say “Yes to all”.
3. In Skyrim launcher select “Data Files” and activate AsharaMerchants.esp
Uninstall using Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)
1. Select the file in the Mods tab of NMM, and click on the “Deactivates the selected mod” button.
Manual uninstall
1. In Skyrim Launcher select “Data Files” and deactivate the AsharaMerchants.esp file.
2. Delete
.- the file DataAsharaMerchant.esp
.- the folder meshesactorscharacterFaceGenDataFaceGeomAsharaMerchants.esp and its contents
.- the folder texturesactorscharacterfacegendatafacetintAsharaMerchants.esp and its contents
.- the files whose name begins by ASH_ in the folders:
.- Scripts
.- ScriptsSource
None that I am aware of. If you find anything, please tell me.
Known issues or bugs
Be warned that Skyrim merchants buy/sell options break if they have more than 30,000 gold coins. So, if you buy lots of things from Bjorn an he ends up having more than 30,000 gold coins, you won’t be able of selling him anything (actually, you’d be able to sell them but you won’t receive any gold for the items you sold). If you want to buy and sell from him, sell the items to him before he reaches the 30,000 gold limit.
This Skyrim bug doesn’t apply to training services, i.e., if you buy training services from Xenia and she ends up with more than 30,000 gold coins, you can still sell any items to her without problems: it seems the game handles differently the gold they receive from training services than the gold they receive from bought items.