Become a Skooma Dealer
Are you tired of the thieves guild’s repetitive, low-paying jobs? Well, throw away your lockpicks and sneaky boots! Now you can pursue an alternate career in crime. You can make and sell three kinds of skooma, sleeping tree sap, and balmora blue.
Become A Skooma Dealer.
Are you tired of the thieves guild’s repetitive, low-paying jobs? Well, throw away your lockpicks and sneaky boots! Now you can pursue an alternate career in crime. Make your own illegal substances and peddle them across Skyrim.
Make and sell such substances as:
Double-Distilled Skooma
Redwater Skooma
Sleeping tree sap
Balmora Blue
*Double-Distilled Skooma and Balmora Blue require alchemy perks to become craftable.
You will have to find out which kind of skooma each client wants. This may seem like trial and error at the beginning, but you will get the hang of it. With every sale you make, you earn a small increase in your speechcraft skill.
Those dumb enough to sell to a guard are sent directly to jail. This may not happen in all holds, but it definitely happens in the larger holds.
*Sometimes there is a bug where you are stuck in Cidna Mine, the jail in Markarth. To serve your
time enter the console code “servetime” without quotes.
This mod requires Skyrim, the latest update, and Dawnguard.
A little Story:
Bella, now in her teens, has been introduced to Skooma by a fellow Khajiit named Lu’ki the Unfortunate. (Soon to be featured in my next mod, Winterhold rebuilt) Although Bella isn’t that fond of the substance herself, she asked Lu’ki how does one become a skooma dealer. Lu’ki told her how to boil it up in a cooking pot and which ingredients make the different types of skooma. After meeting with her friend Lu’ki, Bella heads to the nearest cooking pot. “if I can do this right, I’ll never have to beg again.”, Bella thinks to herself.
Bella couldn’t believe how easy it was to make this stuff. Even though the ingredients were a little expensive, Bella believes that she will be able to make enough money to buy a home of her own. That was her wish ever since she was sent to Honorhall. With a bottle of every kind in her pockets, Bella boards the carriage to Solitude to try her luck at Skooma dealing. Once there, she spots a lady wearing peasant clothes lurking around the market stalls. Bella walked up to her, and recited the line that Lu’ki had taught her. “Need a fix?”, Bella said in a hushed tone. The woman turned towards Bella with a hateful look on her face.
Dejected, Bella made her way to the inn. She spotted a man wearing fancy clothes sitting at a table with his friend. Bella whispered her line in his ear. He referred to her Skooma as “swill” and asked if she had any balmora blue. Bella was happy she had made a batch of balmora blue yesterday.
The man acted surprised that Bella had something so rare. He happily forked over his money, and Bella gave him the vial. “1000 gold! I’m so much closer to buying my own home.”, Bella thought as she quickly stashed the money away. The next day, things took a turn for the worse. She had sold most of her skooma to people around town and was getting desperate to sell the whole lot. She then saw some kids playing tag. “I know this isn’t right, but I really want my own home.”, Bella thought to herself as she asked one of the girls if she needed a fix.
Bella couldn’t believe her ears. Kids in Solitude were so sophisticated. They even knew what skooma was. Bella was just about to make her way to the stables to catch the carriage to Markarth when she saw a lone guard standing around. “I have nothing to lose, I guess.”, Bella thought as she asked the guard if he wanted some skooma.
“I was so wrong!”, Bella thought to herself as the guard confiscated all of Bella’s belongings and threw her in jail. “I guess you have to learn from your own mistakes.”, Bella said as she looked through the bars of her cell door. “If I get out of here, I’ll never sell skooma again.” Bella awoke to the sound of someone saying her name over and over. When she looked up, she spied Lu’ki on the outside of the barred door to her cell.
“Khajiit just paid your fine, Bella. You are free to go.”, Lu’ki said with a smile on his face. “This one also took the liberty of getting all of your stuff back.” Bella thanked Lu’ki for her new found freedom, and swore that this time around she would do things differently.
The end.
To use this mod:
Extract contents of the zip file into skyrim’s data folder.
*This mod is not voice acted, so make sure to turn subtitles on.
Riverside Shack Skooma Dealers’ Den:
I have remodeled Riverside shack as a hideout for any skooma dealer character. This shack is located south of Windhelm. There is plenty of space to store your product. I’ve encluded a cooking pot (for cooking skooma), an alchemy lab, an anvil, and a sharpening wheel for your crafting needs. I’ve included a secret safe under the bed in case the guards are alerted to the area. 🙂 There is also, a small farm outside with some plants you could harvest for skooma ingredients. I also have included a book that lists all the ingredients needed to make any kind of skooma or other substance. It is on the bookshelf beside the coin purse.
There is still a wild animal encounter when you discover the shack, but the bear/sabercat is outside of the shack this time.
The shack requires Dawguard and the latest skyrim update as well.
Get rare skooma ingredients from mills.
Go to any grain mill (not including windmills) and make those rare and hard to come by skooma ingredients.
Recipes included in mod:
poison bloom: 1 red mountain flower and 1 imp stool
gleamblossom: 1 blue mountain flower and 1 glowing mushroom
moon sugar: 1 grass pod and 1 honeycomb
powdered mammoth tusk: 1 mammoth tusk and 1 namira’s rot
spriggan sap: 1 taproot and 1 hanging moss
This mod requires Hearthfire.
I even added a mill to the Riverside Shack skooma dealers den for your convenience.
I hope you enjoy this mod!