More Horses LE Classic backport
Adds more horses, saddles, barding, herds, foals, and general horse diversity throughout Skyrim! And a new mesh for Arvak! And some ‘special’ horses!
Isn’t it weird having the same cloned horses at each stable?
Why are there no herds of wild horses? Why no baby horses in Skyrim?
Wouldn’t it be great if all these lovely saddle mods could be used on more than just my horse?
Yeeaaaah, I thought so too!
Now you can have all that, and some extra stuff too! 😀
Two wild herds
Five foals
Twenty+ new saddles including bards
Thirty+ new horse skin textures
Two new unique horses
New skin textures for player horses with attention to Lore
New textures for the carriage horse
New saddles for player horses with vanilla compatibility
New unsaddled horses at stables
Unique Frost textures
Unique Shadowmere (Choice of Enhanced vanilla or Daedric Armored!)
Faction horses (Companions, Bards)
Armored horses for war camps
Forsworn horses
Hunter’s horses
New mesh for Arvak (He’s now an undead warhorse!)
A spectral horse
A ghost horse
Can I change the name?
Most of these horses have unique names already but if you don’t like them try Jaxonz Renamer
Can I tame them?
Some horses are free for the taking
Other horses can be tamed…If you can catch them
Some horses are owned by NPCs
Other horses are ownable by joining a faction or increasing your rank with that faction
How does the ownership work?
If you take a mare that has a foal, the foal will follow
If you take the stallion of a herd, the whole herd will follow
If you don’t like this, open console, click the following horses and type disable
I want that horse, but it belongs to someone else?
Open console, click on the horse, type in setownership
I have the horse, but I want a different saddle?
Open console, type in help saddle or help barding, pick the one you want from the list. (Use PgUp/PgDn to scroll console window)
Click on the horse, type in additem xxxxxxxx 1 ( xxxxxxxx being the FormID number of the saddle you picked), then equipitem xxxxxxx
You ruined Arvak!
There’s an optional file to give him and Charon stick legs again. Those poor little legs
Where exactly are the special ones?
What, you want to ruin the surprise? Go look for them!
I’ll give you some hints. If hints aren’t good enough you can click the spoilers
Help! I can’t find the Ghost horse, Charon?
He lives in a graveyard…surprise and where is the largest graveyard in Skyrim? Good luck catching him though, he spooks easily (har har)
He’s in Falkreath, behind the Hall of the Dead.
I can’t find the Spectral horse, Nerida?
Not surprised tbh – this special horse lives under water! Was probably made by mages a long time ago…
She’s under the bridge to the College of Winterhold.
Convenient Horses – Compatible, and highly recommended! It will let you use all the new horses and so much more! 🙂
Immersive Horses – Partial compatibility. Load Immersive Horses after More Horses and you’ll get the added horses at least. Use the patch under optional files and you’ll get the changes to vanilla horses too (player horses, vanilla stable horses, saddles/new skins on npc horses, Frost, Shadowmere). However, you can’t equip any of the new saddles with the console, and the additional (non-special) horses will not be adoptable. I made Charon (Ghost horse) and Nerida (Spectral horse) fully compatible, but I don’t use Immersive Horses so someone who does will have to let me know how it works out! If I did it right, I’ll probably add better compatibility for the rest of it in the future… x.x
Any player horse texture replacers – Mostly! The only exception is the Markarth horse’s mane/tail. It’s now a brown-red/black tail. Also, if you replace the default mane/tails, it will probably make some of my horses look a little odd since they wont match anymore.
Shadowmere/Frost replacers – Should be! Just overwrite mine when asked.
More compatibility testing coming soon! In the meantime, if there’s something you’re wondering about, leave a comment!