Populated Skyrim HELL EDITION
Legendary versions merged into one easy to digest esp:
——- Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells.esp
——–Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
——Populated Dungns Caves Ruins Legendary.esp
——Populated Forts Towers Places Legendary.esp
——Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp
First, a note from the SoT Team: All credit goes to Erkil and his Team. We wish to thank them for letting us post the awesome mods that they have made, and further, to enhance them with our vision. “Thank you guys.”
Secondly, we were not going to upload this version, at least not for a few months. But, there is a vacuum, and nature abhors a vacuum.
The SOT Team presents in one friendly digestible esp file, the following Legendary versions of Erkil’s mods. This will be updated every 2 to 3 weeks as we work and improve on the individual mods.
——Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells.esp
——Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
——Populated Dungns Caves Ruins Legendary.esp
——Populated Forts Towers Places Legendary.esp
——Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp
We did not want to add Civil War to this. Please post if you think we should have, or if you would like to see it added in.
SUMMARY: In short, this mod is a culmination of all the above listed mods. So what you’ll end up with is a lot of statically placed spawns, both friendly and unfriendly, all over the empty world of Skyrim. While traveling, you’ll come across more baddies as well as fellow heroes. Also, towers and forts won’t be occupied by only four brigands now–instead they will be properly occupied and VERY difficult to overtake. (You are going to need to bring a friend or two…..or three or four…..or five or six.)
Further, the SoT team has a “reputation” for making things more difficult. So, we will in fact be adding even more spawns and enhancing the current ones as well as adding in a few other surprises so as to ensure that you’ll be up against pure hell. So wimpy heroes, no more walks in the park for you.
This DOES NOT add demons and hordes of bad guys. It is simply a merger mod. We will add our own unique touch to it, but all of that will be able to be disabled through an MCM option. Further, you’ll even be able to reduce the spawns in the mod through the MCM as well–so there won’t be a need for a separate “lite” version. The name “Hell Edition” is our cool name for a merged mod that adds enemies. It does not by any means add “end of the world” hell on earth spawns that will kill your fun–remember, we play with our own mods, and we like to have fun as well.
For a detailed description of the newly added NPCS that each mod merged here includes, please visit their appropriate page:
(Also, when visiting the modular pages, you’ll have a better understanding of what the SoT team has added.)
See you in hell. . .
{The SoT Family}
Our Primary Mod: The Sands of Time – Ultimate Deadly Encounters
Standalone Mods: Sands of Time: Sleeping Encounters
Genesis – Dynamically Increased Enemy Spawns and Loot
Dead is Dead – Death Lasts Forever
Eternal Darkness
Nocturnal (an ENB preset)
SoTimized Mods: SOT Hardcore Encumbrance
WatchTowers Reborn (fueled by Genesis)
Populated – Forts Towers Places – Legendary Edition
Populated – Lands Roads Paths – Legendary Edition
Populated Skyrim – HELL EDITION – (all in one)
Page design/graphics by GhostAgent