Dragon Knight Armor
“Dragon Knight Armor” is a lore friendly, stand alone, heavy set for both genders and all races. We all venture out into the frozen tundra that is Skyrim. We all face the awakening threat of dragons in the skies. However, we do not all wish for our armor to look like the leftovers of a hyena’s meal. This set of armor provides the option of a more refined and knightly approach to wearing the bones of dragons. In order to even create dragon bone quality armor one must be a master blacksmith. Could a master blacksmith not conjure up something a little more… put together? Now you can.
In addition to the standard pieces of an armor set, this set includes a shield and three variants of gauntlets – one with a single dragon skull on the sword arm, another with skulls on both gauntlets and a sleek version with no skulls. There is also a version of the chest piece which has no sleeves or pants and adds a fur element for a more agile look.
The pieces are Daedric quality in armor value and weight, but the price is quite high. You must have both the Ebony and Dragon Smithing perks along with a fair amount of ebony ingots and dragon bones/scales. A great set with a great cost.
This armor is heavy only. It was crafted individually for males and females. Works well on all sizes of characters. Also hand crafted for all races.
I make my own videos now! Feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel where I always post a video before I release a mod. =)
Feedback on the armor should be left in the comments section. I will read all the comments made and consider requests for alterations and potential fixes.
If your enjoy this armor, please consider coming back to endorse it.
I would like to take this small space to thank the users of my mods, and the Nexus community at large. I am honored to be a part of this community, and to contribute to it. Thank you for your patronage of my work, whether it comes through comments, endorsements, or even a kind donation. You are the reason that I spend long hours of work bettering Skyrim. The Nexus community is the reason I continue to create mods. Thank you.
If you wish to use this armor set for your mod, please ask me by message first.
I do wish to help other mods and the community at large with my work, so don’t hold back from asking!
hothtrooper44 – Dragon Knight Armor
nightasy – some meshes for the female sleek chest armor
Bethesda – Skyrim and its assets
RuaDragonheart – the armor’s concept art, testing and feedback
ScreaminGreenMachine – Screenshots