Sword of the Ancient Tongues
Adds a new sword fitting into TES’ lore. It has the Seal of Akatosh symbol engraved in the handle and letters in dovahzul also engraved in the blade, which says “- Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, to keep evil forever at bay…”
Sword of the Anciet Tongues can be acquired by craftig under the Daedric perk smithing menu. You’ll need silver, steel and ebony ingots, also some leather strips.If you wish you can also type in the console “help tongues” to get it’s ID and then use the player.additem command add it to your inventory.
Copy the “data” folder provided in this package into your “C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonskyrim” or wherever is located your Skyrim installation folder.
Sword featured in the game Valhall
There’s been discussions and acusations of theft, as well as multiple messages being sent both to me and to the developing studio about it. I just thought I should post a clarification here, the sword hasn’t been stolen, Blackrose Arts have my permission to make use of it.