Heart of the Beast – Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul
NEW: Now with glowing eye textures.
This mod aims to make werewolves more brutal and aggressive by making them sound like savage beasts they are supposed to be, with 3 different sound overhaul versions to choose from.
Now also with werewolf body and eye textures and an optional speed upgrade, and a skyrim video series I made.
NOTE: The mod is finished, there will be no more updates!
The final update is a lower volume version of the Alpha werewolf sounds, and HD versions of all three werewolf textures.
The Legend of Cain series is on a pause at the moment!
Who would have thought a simple sound/texture replacer could get this much attention eh?
Skyrim mod sanctuary and Legend of Cain shoutout by Gopher
Gopher has finally decided that both my mod and series deserve to be shown to the world in these videos!
– The sanctuary video shows every part of the mod and a detailed walkthrough of how to install every file
These are the original 1.3 werewolf sounds that I made when the mod was first created, and they offer a better, but reduced ”scary and aggressive experience” as a werewolf (Although, I admit I may have gone a bit too far with the tiger and lion sounds)
CHANGES from Vanilla
– Added a loud wolf howl
– Reworked shout sound
– New transformation sound
– New sounds for ”maul” and ”feeding kill” execution moves
– 1 new sound for attacks
This version offers a much more terrifying and vicious experience as a werewolf by adding bone breaking and cracking sounds, some original 1.3 sounds have been kept however, but most have been remade.
CHANGES from Vanilla
– New idle/breathing sounds
– Added a new wolf howl (with the option of downloading the old one)
– A louder and more menacing shout sound
– Most execution moves now include bones cracking and crunching
– The ”feeding kill” and ”head crush” execution moves now sound more vicious
– New sound for the feeding animation
– 2 new sounds for attacks
Note: There are two versions – the main version and the second at 70% volume!
This version offers the most terrifying and horrific experience as a werewolf – In addition to bones cracking, blood gushing and splattering sounds have also been added.
Some of the sounds from the previous 2 versions have been kept however, but most have been remade.
CHANGES from Vanilla
– Deeper idle/breathing sounds
– The wolf howl has been kept in this version
– A louder and more imposing shout sound
– In addition to bones breaking and cracking, blood squirting and splattering sounds have been added
– The ”feeding kill”, ”head crush” and ”maul” execution moves now sound much more horrific
– The ”feeding kill” execution move now has a vicious throat tearing climax
– New sound for the feeding animation
– 2 new sounds for attacks
I felt that Skyrim’s werewolves were too slow for agile beasts that were supposed to run very fast and outrun any normal human, so I changed the speed a little:
RUNNING SPEED increased by 15%
– The original speed was just about as fast as the player, if not even slower – a werewolf should be able to outrun a human even when not sprinting (also the foot animation now matches the speed instead of dragging on the floor)
SPRINTING SPEED increased by 15%
– Ah, the heart of the problems! By the game guide, werewolves are faster then horses.
But this is not true – you can tell when modding, the numbers dont lie (werewolves are exactly 12% slower then horses)
– With this mod, the werewolves can now run as free and as fast as a wild stallion – teach those damn deer that you are far worse then any common wolf!
WALKING SPEED increased by 30%
– Not that you will ever walk around in your werewolf form, but if you happen to try it, now you can do it a little bit faster!!
USE MY MOD WITH THE FOLLOWING MODS FOR THE BEST EFFECT AND BEST EXPERIENCE AS A WEREWOLF – please don’t forget to endorse the authors of these impressive projects (Note that these mods are fully tested for compatibility)
Moonlight Tales – Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul
– This awesome new mod by Brevi/Spwned (The creator of Tales of Lycanthropy) is basically an enhanced version of Tales of Lycanthropy plus my mod
( minus the sounds) – It contains all my retextures and 4 glowing eye models, in addition it also contains werebear transformations and a TON of options for easy customization, including how to make your own wolf form unique! A MUST HAVE MOD for any self-respecting werewolf fan!!!
Tales of Lycanthropy – Werewolf Overhaul
– this mod is something no werewolf lover should ever miss – It gives you a complete overhaul of the werewolf gameplay including the return of the Sanies Lupinus disease from Morrowind, moon based werewolf transformations, new transformation animations etc. and goes along with my mod just perfectly!!!
The mod also contains the unique werewolf model I use for the Alpha werewolf in the pictures.
Werewolf Mastery by RolandSir
– This mod gives you a huge amount of werewolf improvements, all via a single customization ring – Includes various boosts for both the wolf and human form, increasing damage, allowing you to switch shouts and transform in and out of wolf form at will, and even adds a new perk tree.
Improvements are too numerous to list here, but it gives you a TON of bonuses
Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack
– for those who want more variety of textures of all Skyrim’s wildlife, don’t miss this mod – It not only gives you 3-10 textures for every critter in Skyrim, It also comes with 10 unique werewolf textures!
Automatic Variants
– This mod allows you to use more then one specific texture on NPCs, allowing you to use many different werewolf textures at the same time – use in combination with my AV pack to get 5 unique NPC werewolf types used in the Legend of Cain series
Predator Vision by Gopher
– This mod started out as a mod for vampires, but also works for werewolves – it allows you to see better in the dark ( very good for DARK NIGHTS mods users) and the vision is very clear – it also adds the predator vision sight so you can see warm-blooded creatures around you
Footprints by jonwd7
– Includes footprints for your character and most NPCs and creatures, including werewolves – a great mod for immersion!
Wet and Cold and Get Snowy
– A great immersion duo – when going wolf in cold weather or a blizzard, your werewolf will now be covered in snow and breathe out visible moisture from the nose and mouth, or get wet and drip water drops in the rain!
Nature of the beast II
– This mod is a continuation of the Nature of the beast mod – it adds several sophisticated biological abilities and is best for werewolf players. It allows the player to smell the world, become and live as an Alpha werewolf and the ability to gather and command a wolf/werewolf pack. In addition it allows you to transform into a monstrous lizard similar to a were-dovah.
Bloody Cannibalism
– This mod makes feeding a bit more fun – you rip apart the body and leave a heap of bones and blood on the floor – a bit unrealistic, but very fun
– I will need feedback from you guys on this one but I have tested it alongside some other mods
SOUND FILES – Will directly overwrite any other werewolf sound files (even ToL sounds)
TEXTURE FILES- Will directly overwrite any other werewolf textures
SPEED FILE – Will conflict with other werewolf speed enhancing mods
– The speed will conflict with Advanced Legendary Werewolves, however if my mod is placed first in the load order, it only seems to shut off the speed part of the advanced werewolf mod
– The mod works perfectly along with Tales of Lycanthropy – Werewolf Overhaul but my sounds will overwrite all his sounds until removed
– take note that my shout sound will replace all his shouts, so if you want his shouts just open the data/sound/fx/npc/werewolf and delete the npc_werewolf_shout_01 sound!