Dark Elf Preset Natsh
Simple Dark Elf Preset
Hello, I want to get your comments on this preset
And also send screenshots of your char with this preset if u can ty :3
ENB used – Snapdragon prime
Put the .jslot in: Skyrim > Data > SKSE > Plugin > CharGen > Presets
Lind’s Elven Eyes , or if you want other eyes, you can use another
RANs HeadMesh Variants , Ran-C headmesh
KS Hairdos – Renewal
Community Overlays 1 and Community Overlays 2 if you don’t want the tattoos, or do not have these and your face turns purple, remove any makeup or any warpaint in the face.
SG Female Eyebrows – or if you want another brows you can choose another
For skin – You can choose your own skin
Recommended Fair Skin Complexion
For Body, CBBE or any body
High Poly requirement
Above mentioned
Removed Linds Eyes
Replace with eyes of beauty
Remove Ran C
replace with…
High Poly Head in vectorplexis…