Steam Achievement Unlocker
This mod offers a new spell ability that takes player with certain benefits including getting achievements, merchant who will always buy your junk and all crafting options.
Mod: Steam Achievement Unlocker
Author: Dree74
Date: 7/20/2012
Requirement: Skyrim.esm and latest patch 1.6.89
How to Install:
0) If you are getting this from nexus, download SteamAchievementUnlocker.7z and unzip it with 7z.
1) Copy SteamAchievementUnlocker.esp and SteamAchievementUnlocker.bsa into
…steamapp/skyrim/data/ folder
2) Load the plug-in from the skyrim launcher.
How to Uninstall:
1) If your character is in “Moment of Truth” cell, teleport back to Skyrim.
2) Then simply delete both SteamAchievementUnlocker.esp and SteamAchievementUnlocker.bsa
How does this mod work?
1) When this mod is loaded, the player will be given a new spell “Teleport” (Illusion)
2) Then, player can cast the spell (not during combat), to relocate to the new cell.
3) this cell contains pushable buttons, and each button has 5 achievement selections. (See the uploaded image).
4) Simply select the achievement you want, and then it is done. Keep in mind that steam achievements are not revertable.
5) Also, there are other features in this mod. There is a “trash can” that buys all your junk items, 4 stashes and all the crafting units in this cell.
6) There are buttons for Dawnguard DLC achievements, you can only get these once Steam posts the achievement for it.
– This mod does not alter one single record from Skyrim.esm