A proper reward for defeating Alduin

Skyrim Mods |

A proper reward for defeating Alduin

This mod makes Call of valor a really interesting shout now.

Let’s admit it, we’ve all went through this disappointment after defeating the world’s eater and completing the game. We get this shout of summoning a “average” follower from Sovengarde that’s not even powerful enough. Also I hated how useless the divines were in the game, no impact no action in the mortal world.

This mod makes Call of valor really worth it, I changed this shout to be used only once a day (Considered a power) This shout now makes you shout loud, restores your health, gives you a strong fire cloak, doubles your damage and makes you invincible for 1 minute

Description : You became the divine’s champion, the shout reaches the sky, the divines temporarily grant you immortality

Lore : After defeating Alduin in sovengarde, the nine Divines choose you to be their champion in the mortal world. thus when you shout, you shout with such force it reaches the sky, then they aid you with their blessings combined, granting you invincibility and other effects for 1 minute

Pretty overpowered but it only lasts for 1 minute, makes you unable to shout for the 3 incoming minutes. So it is kind of a suitable reward for completing the game.

Author: Ace
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