Alchemical Cooking Recipes
Adds over 100 new items to cooking using alchemy ingredients.
Alchemical Cooking Recipes is meant to give characters who do not utilize alchemy a greater reason to harvest alchemical ingredients and a provide a fair supplement to those that do. Every ingredient was given a purpose and is used as a direct or indirect cooking ingredient for new foods and drinks. Generally, the type and strength of the magic effects provided by the new items were determined by the original effects associated with one or more alchemy ingredients used, the availability of the ingredients, and how complex the recipe was. However, some items have custom effects that provide unique benefits when consumed.
IMPORTANT: This mod is not intended to have cooking replace alchemy. The buffs are intended to be small and long term since most of the the effects use their own keyword table and will stack with effects from potions and enchantments. While there are a multitude of overhauls for Skyrim’s game play, this mod was built around vanilla and may not be balanced for your personal play style.
There are a total of 102 new recipes added to the cooking menu. Some of the new recipes along with their effects can been seen under the Images tab. The following is a list of the recipes and their components:
Powdered Bear Claw: requires Bear Claws x2
Powdered Hawk Beak x2: requires Hawk Beak
Powdered Hagraven Claw x2: requires Hagraven claw
Powdered Sabre Cat Tooth: requires Sabre Cat Tooth x2
Antler Cuttings: requires Small Antlers x2
Antler Cuttings: requires Large Antlers
Pearl Dust: requires Small Pearl
Pearl Dust x2: requires Pearl
Feather Meal x2: requires Hawk Feather
Phial of Honey x5: requires Honeycomb
Phial of Honey x5: requires Honey
Ground Slaugherfish Scales: requires Slaughterfish Scales x2
Crushed Butterfly Wings: requires Blue Butterfly Wing, Butterfly Wing
Nightshade Extract: requires Nightshade x4
Canis Root Extract: requires Canis Root x4
Milk of Nirnroot: requires Nirnroot x2
Wildflower Nectar x3: requires Red Mountain Flower, Blue Mountain Flower, Purple Mountain Flower, Lavender
Wispmother Essence x2: requires Wisp Wrappings
Congealed Daedra Blood x2: requires Daedra Heart
Congealed Human Blood x2: requires Human Heart
Distilled Resin x3: requires Beehive Husk
Skooma: requires Moonsugar x2
Honey: requires Honeycomb
Bread: requires Wheat x3
Roasted Abecean Longfin: requires Abecean Longfin
Braised River Betty: requires River Betty
Blackened Cyrodilic Spadetail: requires Cyrodilic Spadetail
Seared Silverside Perch: requires Silverside Perch
Grilled Hiscarp: requires Histcarp
Steamed Mudcrab Claw: requires Mudcrab Chitin
Root Medley: requires Potato, Gourd, Creep Cluster x2, Canis Root Extract
Honey Bread: requires Wheat x3, Phial of Honey
Hunter’s Stew: requires Skeever Tail, Antler Cuttings, Feather Meal, Potato, Tomato
Egg White Dish: requires Chicken Egg, Pine Thrush Egg, Rock Warbler Egg
Pheasant Dumpling: requires Pheasant Breast, Bleeding Heart, Lavender, Wheat x3
Chicken Stuffed Gourd: requires Chicken Breast, Gourd, Carrot, Leek, Scaly Mushroom, White Cap
Trapper’s Gumbo: requires Pheasant Breast, Rabbit Meat, Carrot, Potato, Feather Meal
Herb Baked Horker: requires Horker Meat, Grass Pod, Blue Mountain Flower, Elves Ear
Chicken Hawk Soup: requires Chicken Breast, Powdered Hawk Beak, Canis Root Extract, Garlic, Potato
Skeever Jerky: requires Charred Skeever Hide, Salt x2
Eastmarch Apple Cobbler: requires Red Apple x2, Dragon Tongue x2, Wheat x4
Bug Soup: requires Blue Dartwing, Orange Dartwing x2, Torchbug Thorax, Bee, Crushed Butterfly Wings
Lunar Jelly: requires Luna Moth Wing x2, Moonsugar, Distilled Resin
Marshland Soup: requires Fungalpod x2, Giant Lichen x2
Roasted Mushrooms: requires Mora Tapinella, Scaly Pholiota
Creamy Mushroom Soup: requires Whitecap x2, Fly Amanita x2, Imp Stool x2
Seasoned Vegetable Soup: requires Vegetable Soup, Blue Mountain Flower, Red Mountain Flower
Nordic Clam Chowder: requires Clam Meat x2, Slaughterfish Egg, Nordic Barnacal, Ground Slaugherfish Scales
Spriggan Syrup: requires Spriggan Sap, Moon Sugar, Distilled Resin
Spicy Venison Stew: requires Venison Stew, Fire Salts
Cavedweller Pudding: requires Glowing Mushroom x3, Charus Eggs x3
Chilled Egg Custard: requires Chicken Egg x2, Frost Salt x2, Frost Mirriam
Giant’s Fondue: requires Mammoth Cheese Bowl x2, Biting Ale, Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Scorched Goat Leg: requires Leg of Goat, Dwarven Oil
Hunter’s Goulash: requires Venison, Potato x2, Antler Shavings x2
Hunter’s Mighty Goulash: requires Hunter’s Goulash, Eye of Sabre Cat x2, Powdered Sabre Cat Tooth, Powdered Bear Claw
Sweet Glazed Rabbit: requires Rabbit Meat, Phial of Honey, Distilled Resin
Witches Slop: requires Powdered Hagravan Claw, Hagraven Feathers, Namira’s Rot, Blisterwort
Witches Vile Slop: requires Witches Slop, Deathbell x2, Nightshade Extract, Ectoplasm
Spicy Skeever Jerky: requires Charred Skeever Hide, Fire Salts x2
Repugnant Gruel: requires Troll Fat, Falmer Ear x2, Giant Toe, Spider Egg
Bloodmoon Pie x5: requires Human Flesh, Luna Moth Wing x2, Congealed Human Blood, Bone Meal x2
Spectral Bonemeal Paste: requires Ectoplasm, Distilled Resin, Bone meal x5
Fried Chicken Egg: requires Chicken Egg
Fried Pine Thrush Egg: requires Pine Thrush Egg
Fried Rock Warbler Egg: requires Rock Warbler Egg
Spice Bag: Elves Ear x2, Crimson Nirnroot, Crushed Butterfly Wings x2
Bitter Steppe Tea: requires Thistle x2, Tundra Cotton x2
Biting Ale: requires Canis Root Extract, Ale
Night Stalker’s Drink: requires Hanging Moss, Nightshade Extract, Sabre Cat Eye
Night Hunter’s Drink: requires Night Stalker’s Drink, Glow Dust x2
Mixed Berry Juice: requires Snowberry x2, Juniper Berry x2, Jazybay Grapes x2
Druadach Tea: requires Briar Heart, Juniper Berry x2
Nirn Firewater: requires Taproot, Milk of Nirnroot, Crushed Butterfly Wings
“Improved” Black-Briar Reserve: requires Black-Briar Reserve, Vampire Dust
Iced Wildflower Nectar: requires Ice Wraith Teeth, Wildflower Nectar
Valenwood Brew x5: requires Horse Meat, Raw Beef, Human Flesh
Oblivion Liquor: requires Void Salts, Congealed Daedra Blood, Spiced Wine
Mage’s Warding Brew: requires Wispmother Essence, Glow Dust, “Improved” Black-Briar Reserve
Pearl Tea: requires Pearl Dust, Wildflower Nectar, Phial of Honey
Dovah’s Fury: requires Pearl Tea, Dragon Scales
Pirate’s Rotgut: Skooma, Ground Slaughterfish scales
Brawler’s Mead: Nord Mead, Powdered Bear Claws
Brawler’s Red Mead: requires Brawler’s Mead, Congealed Human Blood
Dovah Tea: requires Dragon Scales, Dragon Tongue x3
Feather Meal x2: requires Felsaad Tern Feathers
Bone Broth: requires Boar Tusk, Horker Tusk, Salt x2
Dragon’s Bone Broth: requires Bone Broth, Dragon Bone
Acrid Dog Ribs: requires Dog Meat, Soul Husk, Congealed Human Blood
Northern Salmon Chowder: requires Salmon Meat, Salmon Roe x3, Feather Meal x3, Leek
Sweet Netch Jam: requires Netch Jelly, Green Apple x2
Sweet Ash Hopper Jam: requires Ash Hopper Jelly, Red Apple x2
Potent Spice Bag: requires Spice Bag, Ancestor Moth Wing x2
Arch-Mage’s Warding Brew: requires Mage’s Warding Brew, Gleamblossom x2
Flower Water: requires Wildflower Nectar, Yellow Mountain Flower, Crushed Butterfly Wings x2
Smoked Boar: requires Boar Meat, Burnt Spriggan Wood, Salt
Charred Ash Hopper: requires Ash Hopper Meat, Burnt Spriggan Wood, Dwarven Oil
Seasoned Ash Hopper Leg: requires Ash Hopper Leg, Ashen Grass Pod, Garlic
Fried Hawk Egg: requires Hawk Egg
Ashen Root Medley: requires Ash Yam, Trama Root, Ash Creep Cluster x2, Spawn Ash
Noxious Mixture: requires Emperor Parasol Moss, Scathecraw x2, Chaurus Hunter Antenna
Corrosive Mixture: requires Noxious Mixture, Poisonbloom
You will need to visit the Alchemist’s Shack on the edge of the Rift. You will find a nearby campfire and cooking pot with an alchemical cookbook resting on a stump. Reading this book will offer you the option to memorize the new cooking recipes and add them to your cooking menu. If at any point you wish to remove the recipes from the menu, you will need to return to the shack and read the book again to forget everything you learned.
The cookbook also offers the ability to activate a Smart Menu feature so that items will only appear in your cooking menu when you have a notable ingredient for a recipe in your inventory. Cooking ingredients added by ACR will always appear in the menu even if the Smart Menu feature is active due to some recipes relying on them to be in your inventory to appear.
***Alternatively, you can enter via console ‘set ACRGlobalRecipeToggle to 1’ to add all the items to the cooking menu or ‘set ACRGlobalRecipeToggle to 0’ to remove them. Entering ‘set ACRGlobalSmartMenuToggle to 1′ will activate the Smart Menu feature and ”set ACRGlobalSmartMenuToggle to 0’ will deactivate it.
Mods that add new cooking recipes, change any textures, or alter meshes should be fully compatible. There may be clipping of the cooking area near the Alchemist’s Shack if you have any mod that alters a significant portion of that worldspace.
iNeed – Food Water and Sleep by isoku
Note: You will need version 1.5 or higher. When you eat or drink an item for the first time, iNeed will prompt you to categorize the item as food, drink, etc. so that it counts towards your hunger and thirst.
Realistic Needs and Diseases by perseid9
Download and activate using your mod manager to install.
Deactivate and uninstall through your mod manager.