Alicia and Ariane nice Imperial
Vanilla save after character creation. No mod required (but better with some). Ready to play. Slider settings for Xbox360 and PlayStation 3.
Description needed ?
Why this ?
I never had so hard time to make a pretty face. Now Alicia looks very nice (according to me). It was far harder than with Dragon Age II ! No mod really required, Ariane already looks *good* with vanilla texture. Because it can be as long as boring to make a cute face for Skyrim, I decided to share as usual. After playing within different spaces, I noticed that Alicia is most time too dark. This is where Ariane comes : lighten hairs, softer makeup and lighter skin. She could be Alicia 1.1 but I prefer upload the file with an other name.
Ariane needs Better Females by Bella Version 3 with Less Make up Version 2 or No makeup just improved textures (add one or the other or none after the main file) to look great (like above). If you prefer to go more lore, see lower the Recommended (old) and screen capture.
11/28/2011 : Ariane minor update for lighter face and nicer front face view.
06/04/2012 : Ariana added. She’s a nord Ariane.
07/19/2012 : Added lower on this page slider setting for a Breton and a Nord like Ariane.
The file
Extact the file and drag Alicia.ess or Ariane.ess in your saved game folder (DocumentsMy GamesSkyrimSaves). Start the game and load Alicia or Ariane save… Enjoy !
Chaging her face
You can drop the console (~) and use command showracemenu to edit the face. Take care doing so always reset skin and lips tones. It also seems the game do not set some cursors setting at the right place.
Recommended (new)
DIMONIZED UNP female body
UNP Female Armors
Better Females by Bella Version 3 with Less Make up Version 2 and No Shine (not sure for last one)
Recommended (old)
If you want to have a young face like in the screenshot above, you need Final Younger Characters and femalehead.dds from Female Texture Mod (drop the single file into SkyrimDataTexturesActorsCharacterfemale). See comparison below between vanilla and with this two little mods (lore friendly).
Slider settings
Here is a table with slider settings (français & english). If you start a new game on Xbox360 or PlayStation 3 or if you want to change a character from PC game, you can enjoy Ariane.
English : 0 means full left. +1 for one step right from full left (and so on).
Français : 0 signifie complètement à gauche. +1 pour un cran à droite à partir de l’extrême gauche (et ainsi de suite).