Als Treasure Map Reward
This little mod adds a treasure hoard, to reward the completionist player who collects all 11 Treasure Maps and uncovers all of the corresponding treasure chests. Fourth in my Completionist series.
This mod adds the cell “Frozen Hoard” to the game, accessible via trapdoor almost right next to the Serpent Doomstone (see pictures for reference). Down the trapdoor is a sealed door, leading to a treasure hoard. However, the sealed door is locked and can only be opened with 11 special keys – the Map Keys. One Map Key is found in each treasure chest pointed to by the 11 Treasure Maps.
For those that don’t already know, there are 11 Treasure Maps in vanilla Skyrim. The Fort Neugrad Treasure Map, and the imaginatively named Treasure Maps I through X. Each map shows an image hinting at the location of a specific treasure chest. It is not possible to find the treasure chests without the maps, because the chests do not appear in the game until you find the corresponding map.
There is no particular reward in the vanilla game for having accomplished the feat of discovering all 11 maps and chests, hence I created this mod. A Map Key is added to each of these chests, as indicated above.
This is the fourth mod in my Completionist series, all meant to reward the serious completionist/collector player.
Q: There is no map marker for the Frozen Hoard!
A: You don’t need one. It is almost literally next to the Serpent Stone. See the images for reference.
Q: I have all 11 Map Keys, but the sealed door didn’t open when I activated it!
A: Due to the way I handled the script, the first activation of the sealed door, once you have the keys, unlocks it; you will have to activate it AGAIN to actually open it.
Q: Does the treasure inside the Frozen Hoard respawn?
A: Yup. Lucky you.
Q: What if I’ve already found some Treasure Maps?
A: Shouldn’t make a difference.
Q: What if I’ve already found some of the Treasure Map chests? Will the Map Key be in them if I go back?
A: I don’t know, sorry. Feel free to try. If the Map Key doesn’t appear in a Treasure Map chest you’ve already looted, add one via console, searching for “Map Key” with the help command.