Anastasia – High Poly Racemenu Preset for Bijin Skin
High, Dark and Wood Elf presets I’ve created for my character Anastasia.
Bijin skin UNP(or CBBE) 4k basd v1.2.1
High Poly Head v1.2
KS Hairdos – Renewal
The Eyes of Beauty
Natural Eyes — This preset needs eyebrown_n.dds and eyecubemap.dds of Natural Eyes.
Facewand — This includes some textures and meshes which this preset needs.
UNP and its derivative versions are recommended but if you’re one CBBE user I think this preset may work as well.
I’m using Rudy ENB 5.0 (419) for Vanilla now .
Relighting Skyrim – without JIT (Only Legendary)
Climates Of Tamriel
Above is a basal checklist of required mods to make this preset take effect.
Select your character’s race as High, Dark or Wood Elf.
Just like general racemenu presets ,load mine in Racemenu UI.
[HighElf v1.6]
[HighElf v2.5]
[DarkElf v1.2]
[WoodElf v4.1]
Racemenu by expired6978
Bijin skin UNP&CBBE (4k based) by rxkx22
High Poly Head 1.2 by KouLeifoh
KS Hairdos – Renewal by kalilies
The Eyes of Beauty by LogRaam
Natural Eyes by nevenbridge81