Animated Armoury – New Weapons with animations
Formally New Armoury
This mod adds weapons to Skyrim with custom attack animations, for both the Player and NPCs.
FNIS or Nemesis required!
Update Log
Note if you’re having issues with NPCS playing their animations after the updating, turn the mod off and on again in the MCM menu
2.39) Changed the invisible claw sounds to unarmed sounds
Fixed the Left hand only claw and dual wield claw DAR conditions
Fixed the Sky forge Steel Spear and short spear inventory model in the Heavy Armoury patch
Added in Dar versions of Flinch animations from my flinch mod, must have DAR enabled to see them
2.381) Rearranged DAR folders so it’s compatible with other mods
2.38) Adding in support for DAR, enable it via the MCM menu, Whips are not supported by DAR so they will still use scripts to set their animations
2.371) The Right handed Unenchanted dark brotherhood claw can now be tempered
2.37) Hopefully fixed the SSE BSA file so Models shouldn’t appear as red triangles any more
Added footstep sounds to several first person sprint animations
2.36) Fixed the issues with Nav Meshes around the Borealis Tower
Fixed the Daedric and Bound Pike models in SSE
Fixed the Halberd animations, I accidentally left in the alt ones
Fixed the Quarterstaff standing power attack animation in first person
2.36) Added in First person Animations, read more in the compatibility part of this description
Fixed the Borealis’s projectiles not appearing if you installed an older version of my mod and recently updated
Removed the ability to shoot whip projectiles when sneaking
2.34) fixed the description of the bound halberd spell
fixed the borealis aura texture
2.33) Removed some unused animations from the NAR folder
Removed the text from Silver weapons as it blocks custom enchantment text
Fixed the Cubemap on the Ebony whips for the main files and the DSR/Ecotone and All GUD patches
Uploaded a patch to support BouBoule’s Spears Skill and Perks Tree mod
Fixed the Steel Quarter Staff not equipping correctly if the AllGUD patch was installed
Removed the NPC edits from the scripted version and injected Claws into the npcs via scripting instead
Fixed the Claw’s AllGUD meshes being flipped upside down
Removed Quarterstaffs from Thalmor Levelled lists as this was causing them to use unarmed magic attacks
Added in Mace and Dagger Animations for regular old Maces and Daggers, can be turned off
Added in support for Modders to add a keyword to their weapons that hey want
to receive Mace and Dagger animations without making their weapons a
Mace or Dagger
Added in Bound versions all my weapons, their spell tomes can be found in some places around the world and brought from
merchants too
Gave Whips unique hit sounds
Finally implanted the Ice whip and it’s unique enchantment, you can find it west of Septimus Signus outpost
2.32) Reuploaded files as 7z archives instead of rar, people were having issues with rars, 7zs have better compression, so downloads may be smaller too
Re-Adjusted the range of the whips to make them longer, they now have a reach of 2 instead of 1.8
2.31) Adjusted the range of the whips to make them longer
Added in the missing whip sounds for Stalhrim and Dragon bone whips plus unused regular whip sounds
2.3) Nemesis Patch is no longer needed, this should work with Nemesis out the box
Fixed the Environment map on both Steel Claws
Fixed The invisible Daedric Claw model
Fixed the Papyrus Log File Spam
Added in Single Claw Block Animations, I forgot about 20 times to add the actual animation files to the folder
Claws now Holster at the Dagger Holster bone and are rotated correctly
Slowed Down Claw equip animation as it was causing crashes
Removed Claws from Dragur Levelled lists, for real this time
Claws should appear less frequently on Bandits now
Claws now have a default reach of 1 instead 0.5, this kinda helps with an issue with Engarde as well as generally makes them a bit easier to use
Added in Whips
Whips are Maces that have near instant recoil recovery, they provide mid ranged lowish damage, if you want to wield two Whips together you need to get the Dual wield variants(they have a Dual Prefix) via the add item menu or Console, this is due to an animation restriction
Added the Silver weapon flavour text to all Silver weapons
Distributed some weapons that could become impossible\hard to get, around the world and in some vendor’s inventories, Silver weapons can be brought from Khajit Caravans, Dawnguard stuff is with the Dawnguards, Imperial with the Imperials
Added crafting recipes for some weapons that didn’t have them
Fixed crafting recipes for Nord hero and Skyforge stuff
Added Meshes for All Geared Up and Claws for Dual sheath\Ecotone
Made the Rapier and Dagger Patch available for SSE
Added a newish keyword to all weapons in my existing patches
Not compatible with the DAR version of Animated Armoury, either use that or tick the DAR option in this versions MCM menu if you want DAR support
Note About FNIS PCEA2
In 1.4 I fixed an issue when using this mod along with PCEA2, you have to tick a button in the MCM menu for this fix to work
it’s not a perfect fix but it’ll do, what it does is after you unequip a
Weapon from this mod, it will then refresh your PECA2 Anims, as if you
pressed the button in PECA2’s MCM menu
If you don’t want to use Nemesis, I do have a non Nemesis first person addon in the files, but I wont be supporting this version in the future
DAR Support has been added you need to enable it in the MCM menu, whips are not supported by DAR due not being able to adjust animation events with DAR, There are text files in the archive that explain which DAR folder is linked to what weapon, I’ll also include this info in the FAQ
Should work with Nemesis\Nemesis PECA2 out the box nothing special needs to be done, If you want to use Animated Armoury’s Nemesis first person stuff you need to tick Animated Armoury FPA patch when generating your behaviour with Nemesis
The non Nemesis first person addon has built in support for the following mods, True Spear Combat, Skyrim Spear Mechanic, Archery Gameplay overhaul, Throwing weapons Lite and Tk Dodge
The Nemesis first person addon(that is pre packaged with the two main versions of Animated Armoury) has built in support for True Spear Combat and Skyrim Spear Mechanic, but using Nemesis, you can merge other behaviour edits, like TK dodge, Ultimate combat and Ultimate dodge mod etc
Combat Gameplay Overhaul + is sort of semi incompatible with Animated Armoury, you wont get crashes or nasty issues, but even with the Nemesis version the animations may not play correctly or have incorrect timings on the attacks and swings, some animations don’t even play
Combat Gameplay Overhaul + is not compatible at all with the non Nemesis first person addon
Mace and Dagger animations will get reset back to Vanilla if you have another mod like SSM or TSC installed, end users can get around this by adding the “NAR_Sig” keyword to maces and daggers, they also don’t have first person animations
Depending on what version you Download this will either be compatible with everything (Scripted Leveled List version) or non compatible with mods that change levelled lists (Plugin Leveled List Version)
The “Scripted Levelled List Version” is compatible with any mod that makes edits to levelled lists
The “Plugin Levelled List Version” is not compatible with mods that make changes to the same levelled
lists, you need to have this mod in a lower position in your load order
for the rapiers to appear in NPCs, Chests Vendors
With either version if loading from a previous save it may take a few in game days
for them to appear on NPCs, Vendors or in chests
The Parry should work with any dual wield blocking mods you have installed, if you’re
having issues you can turn the Parry off via the MCM menu
About the Mod
Fores New Idles in Skyrim – FNIS or Nemesis is Required! For this mod to work
SE Version Here
This mod adds new weapons and Parrying Dagger Functionality to the game, all the weapons are distributed throughout some level lists and can be crafted + upgraded.
Both the Player and NPCs can all use the weapons, both the player and npcs can play the animations, all of which can be turned on and off via the MCM menu
Installing \ Uninstalling with FNIS
Steps for Updating with FNIS
1) Download the new version
2) Run FNIS And click “Update Behavior” you don’t need to click anything else, wait for the process to finish
3) You’ve updated the mod
Note if you’re having issues with NPCS playing their animations after the updating, turn the mod off and on again in the MCM menu
Steps for Installing with FNIS
1) Download and install this mod
2) Download and install Fores New Idles in Skyrim – FNIS
3) Run FNIS And click “Update Behavior” you don’t need to click anything else, wait for the process to finish
4) You can now play the game, no need for a new save
5) Download the Optional non Nemesis first person addon, if you want first person animations
Steps for Uninstalling with FNIS
1) In the MCM “Turn Mod Off” it may take a few in game seconds for the NPCs to stop their animations, unequip all weapons
2) Save the close the game
3) Uninstall in your preferred mod manager
4) Run FNIS And click “Update Behavior” you don’t need to click anything else wait for the process to finish
5) You have now uninstalled the mod
Installing \ Uninstalling with Nemesis
Steps for Updating with Nemesis
1) Download the new version
2) Run Nemesis and tick “Animated Armoury FPA” in the list of patches
3) Click “Update Engine” wait for that to finish then click on “Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine” wait for that to finish
4) You’ve updated the mod
Note if you’re having issues with NPCS playing their animations after the updating, turn the mod off and on again in the MCM menu
Steps for Installing with Nemesis
1) Download and install this mod
2) Download and install Nemesis(Off Site Link)
3) Tick “Animated Armoury FPA” in the list of patches
4) Run Nemesis and click “Update Engine” wait for that to finish then click on “Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine” wait for that to finish
5) You can now play the game, no need for a new save
Steps for Uninstalling with Nemesis
1) In the MCM tick “Turn Mod Off” it may take a few in game seconds for the NPCs to stop their animations, unequip all weapons
2) Save the close the game
3) Uninstall in your preferred mod manager
4) Run Nemesis and click “Update Engine” wait for that to finish then click on “Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine” wait for that to finish
5) You have now uninstalled the mod
If you’re loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Rapiers to appear in Levelled lists
They deal a little less damage than Swords, have much higher Crit damage, are faster than Swords and have a lot of range
Each Metal\Crafting type has a Rapier to go along with it, which can be crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were needed
Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Imperial, Silver, Ancient Nord, Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic and Stalhrim
The meshes are just quick edits of the sword meshes of the corresponding type, they’re nothing amazing but they’ll do. If you have any mod that re-textures Swords these Rapiers will inherit the same re-texture
If you’re loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Pikes to
appear in Levelled lists
Pikes are a new type of Two Handed weapon, they deal a little less damage than Greatswords, are faster than Greatswords and have more range
Each Metal\Crafting type has a Pike to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were
Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Imperial, Silver, Ancient Nord, Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, DawnGuard, Forsworn, Flamer
The meshes are just kit bashes of existing weaponry mostly 2 Handed weapons, If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the Pikes will inherit the same re-texture
If you’re loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Halberds to
appear in Levelled lists
Halberds are a new type of Two Handed weapon, they deal a little less damage than Greatswords, are faster than Greatswords and have more range than BattleAxes
Each Metal\Crafting type has a Halberd to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were
Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Imperial, Ancient Nord, Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, DawnGuard, Forsworn
The meshes are just kit bashes of existing weaponry mostly 2 Handed weapons, If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the Halberds will inherit the same re-texture
Quarter Staffs
If you’re loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Quarter Staffs to
appear in Levelled lists
Quarter Staffs are a new type of Two Handed weapon, they deal a tiny bit more damage than Maces, their power attacks hit more than once though
Each Metal\Crafting type has a Quarter Staff to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other rapiers that I felt were
Iron, Steel, Silver, Skyforge, Imperial, Ancient Nord, Honed Nord, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, DawnGuard, Forsworn
The meshes are just kit bashes of existing weaponry mostly Warhammers, If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the Quarter Staffs will inherit the same re-texture
If you’re loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Claws to
appear in Levelled lists
Claws are a new type of One Handed weapon, they deal less damage than Daggers but have a chance to inflict a stackable bleed debuff they are designed to be dual wielded but can be used in either hand, they cannot be used for parrying, when wielded together they can unleash a flurry of swipes
Each Metal\Crafting type has a Claw to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other claws that I felt were
Iron, Steel, Skyforge, Dragon Priest, Akaviri, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, Dark BrotherHood and Forsworn
Akaviri and Dark Brotherhood Claws don’t appear in levelled lists, they placed in the Sky Haven Temple and both Sanctuaries respectively
I’ve also included a Blade of Woe variant that can be crafted by converting your Blade of Woe
The meshes are just kit bashes of existing weaponry, If you have any mod that re-textures Weapons, the claws will inherit the same re-texture
Chain Whips
If you’re loading a previous save with this mod installed, you may have to wait a few in game days for the Whips to
appear in Levelled lists
Chain Whips are a new type of One Handed weapon, they light of damage, a bit slower to attack with than a sword and provide mid range damage, they have near instant recoil recovery, ideal as an offhand weapon
Due to the nature of whips being an animated weapon, they can sometimes be a bit jank in terms of animation, sometimes NPC’s will have their whip randomly animate when blocking, a whip can animate faster than the player can transition between animations etc. Also if you want to wield two whips together you need to get a dual wield variant(prefixed by the word dual) from the add Item menu or console, these don’t appear in levelled lists
Each Metal\Crafting type has a Whip to go along with it, which can be
crafted, upgraded, enchanted, found and brought. As well as the
Metal\Crafting types there are a few other Whipthat I felt were
Iron, Steel, Silver, Skyforge, Orcish, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Dragon Bone, Nordic, Stalhrim, Dawnguard
There’s also a unquie whip Designed for Vampire slaying placed somewhere in the world
Mace and Dagger animations — Added IN 2.33 —
Not a new weapon type but I wanted to make animations for these two weapons for a while now, the animations will apply to existing Maces and Daggers
Left Hand Animations
Daggers held in the Left Hand can now parry with or without a Rapier in the Right Hand
This works the same as the bow Bash, it causes a short stagger to your target, the parry replaces the standard left hand attack, the power attack still works but it doesn’t use the correct animations (seriously Beth really screwed up the dual wielding behaviour files) Instead of the the correct animation it uses the standard light right+left attack animation
Parrying can be turned off in the MCM menu or set to work with all One handed weapons held in the Left Hand
It should work with any dual Wield block mod, the Parry events are stored within the animation so any mod that allows you to block and bash while dual wielding will work
Unfortunately NPC’s don’t seem to perform the parrying action
Other Info
SE version is out now
Permissions wise, anyone is ok to do anything they want with this mod, rework it, translate it, reanimate it, use the source code(I suck at coding); whatever floats your boat. No need to ask, just give credit please
I do have a tendency to just disappear from projects that I’m working on for whatever reason; usually I get distracted by something else.
Failing me going missing.
Ashingda : For Fixing my scripts and his mod Skyrim Spear Mechanic
JDM : Has great videos showing off my mod and lots of other great mods, He did the awesome Dagger video and the screen archery shots for the mod
Shikyokira : For Nemesis (Offsite Link) and for opening up the door to behaviour modding
Fore : For making animations in Skyrim possible, Fores New Idles in Skyrim FNIS and FNIS Sexy Move
Zartar : For his WIP Behaviour tool
BouBoule201288 : For his mod True Spear Combat
BlueBoar : For allowing me to make a compatibility patch for his Rapier and Dagger mod
PrivateEye: For his mod Heavy Armoury
Hothtrooper44: For his mod Immersive Weapons
MaikCG: For his XPMSE Biped
sotaponi: For His HCT TagFile Converter
Skyrim Together Team : For Inspiring me to finally get this mod going!