Ashara Skyrim Characters as Presets
This contains the faces of my Skyrim characters as presets from vanilla races, the Temptress race and the Ningheim race.
I’ve added also an optional file containing Bella’s edited face texture with lighter lipstick, the one my character Sienna uses in the first pictures.
You can not use my assets in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms.
Name: Ashara’s Skyrim Characters
Version: 5.0
Date: 24-09-2014
Category: Hair and face models
Requirements: Latest Skyrim patch (1.9)
Author(s): Ashara
This file contains the faces of my characters as presets. For compatibilty with other mods that modify races, they replace some existing presets:
Imperial females
* Sienna Flavia: Imperial female, preset nº 4
* Sienna Flavia v2: Imperial female, preset nº 5
* Sienna Flavia v3: Imperial female, preset nº 6
* Sienna Flavia v4: Imperial female, preset nº 7
* Sienna Flavia v5: Imperial female, preset nº 8
* Ria: Imperial female, preset nº 9
* Cecilia: Imperial female, preset nº 10
Nord females
* Aela: Nord female, nº 1
* Jordis: Nord female nº 2
* Lydia: Nord female nº 3
* Njada Stonearm: Nord female, preset nº 4
* Uthgerd: Nord female, preset nº 5
* Anja: Nord female, preset nº 6
* Xenia: Nord female, preset nº 7
* Lisa: Nord female, preset nº 8
* Mjoll: Nord female, preset nº 9
* Iona: Nord female nº 10
Breton females
* Brigitte: Breton female, nº 3
* Claire: Breton female, nº 4
* Blanche: Breton female, nº 5
* Charlotte: Breton female, nº 6
* Adele: Breton female, nº 7
High elf females
* Amarie: High elf female, preset nº 4
* Laurel: High elf female, preset nº 5
Wood elf females
* Amarie: High elf female, preset nº 4
* Laurel: High elf female, preset nº 5
Dark elf females
* Jenassa: Dark elf female, preset nº 3
* Brelyna: Dark elf female, preset nº 4
Imperial males
* Marco Claudio: Imperial male, preset nº 4
* Fabio Antonio: Imperial male, preset nº 5
* Aerin: Imperial male, preset nº 6
Nord males
* Vorstag (new face): Nord male, preset nº 1
* Argis: Nord male, preset nº 2
* Calder: Nord male, preset nº 3
* Vilkas: Nord male, preset nº 4
* Vorstag: Nord male, preset nº 5
* Erik: Nord male, preset nº 6
* Onmund: Nord male, preset nº 7
* Stenvar: Nord male, preset nº 8
* Belrand: Nord male, preset nº 9
* Benor: Nord male, preset nº 10
High elf males
* Finrod: High elf male, preset nº 4
* Amroth: High elf male, preset nº 5
* Mablung: High elf male, preset nº 6
Wood elf males
* Finrod: High elf male, preset nº 4
* Amroth: High elf male, preset nº 5
* Mablung: High elf male, preset nº 6
Dark elf males
* Athis: Dark elf male, preset nº 4
There is also a file, under the main files, that adds my presets for the Temptress race:
Temptress females
* Rowan v1 (without makeup): female preset n 6
* Rowan v2 (with light eyes makeup): female preset n 7
* Erin: female preset n 8
* Sandra: female preset n 9
* Lynn: female preset n 10
Added anorher file, under the main files, that adds my presets for the Ningheim race:
Ningheim females
* Tresa v1: female preset n 7
* Tresa v2: female preset n 8
RaceMenu Presets
* Sigrid (Nord): preset slot 0
* Amarie (High elf): preset slot 1
I’ve added also an optional file containing Bella’s edited face texture with lighter lipstick, the one my character uses in pictures.
And there is also an optional file containing a save game of my character Sienna:
* Level 19 and specialising in Heavy armour, Archery, Stealth and One hand sword with Shield.
* Followed the imperial guy at the beginning, and has only done two of the main quests.
* Saadia was given to the redguards that were following her.
* Has a house in Whiterun and 3 horses.
* Has been to Whiterun, Malkath and has just arrived to Riften.
* Has joined the companions and has bacome a werewolf (if I remember correctly, she has only done 3 of the companions quests).
* Has done several side quests, helping people, mostly in Whiterun.
Required mods
For the presets for vanilla races:
* None
For the Temptress race presets:
* Psychos1s and Brokefoot’s Temptress race
For the Ningheim race presets:
* Seren4XX’s Ningheim race
* Dawnguard official DLC
* RaceCompatibility
For the RaceMenu presets:
* Expired’s RaceMenu
Sigrid, race menu preset:
* Ran’s “RANs HeadMesh Variants” (RANs type-B headmesh)
* HoneyVanity’s “UNP Creamy” (google for it)
* Kalilies Shocky and Stealthic Khaos’s “KS Hairdos – 265”
* LogRaam’s “The Eyes of Beauty”
* Tetrodoxin’s “Freckle Mania”
Amarie, race menu preset:
* Numenume’s “numenume elf ear (numenume elf ear sono5 female5 ear of numenume contest Winner file)
* BellaGail’s “Better Females by Bella”
* Maevan2’s “Mature skin texture and body”(only the diffuse or colour map, the rest is from Bella’s mods)
* mrLenski’s “Coverwomen”(only the new lips tintmask, nothing else)
* Kalilies Shocky and Stealthic Khaos’s “KS Hairdos – 265”
* LogRaam’s “The Eyes of Beauty”
Manual install
1. Extract the files of this mod to a temporary location (you can use 7zip: http://www.7-zip.org, to unzip them) and chek the folder structure.
2. Copy to (My documents folder) My GamesSkyrimData:
.- the esp file
If asked if you want to overwrite existing files say “Yes to all”.
Vanilla races presets:
3. In Skyrim launcher select “Data Files” and activate the AsharaSkyrimCharacterPresetsReplacer.esp
Temptress race prests:
3. In Skyrim launcher select “Data Files” and activate the AsharaTemptressPresets.esp. Make sure that it loads after the TemptressVixen.esp file.
Ningheim race prests:
3. In Skyrim launcher select “Data Files” and activate the AsharaNingheimPresets.esp. Make sure that it loads after the TheNingheim.esp file.
Manual uninstall
For the vanilla races presets:
1. In Skyrim Launcher select “Data Files” and deactivate the AsharaSkyrimCharacterPresetsReplacer.esp
2. Delete
.- the file DataAsharaSkyrimCharacterPresetsReplacer.esp
For the Temptress race presets:
1. In Skyrim Launcher select “Data Files” and deactivate the AsharaTemptressPresets.esp
2. Delete
.- the file DataAsharaTemptressPresets.esp
For the Ningheim race presets:
1. In Skyrim Launcher select “Data Files” and deactivate the AsharaNingheimPresets.esp
2. Delete
.- the file DataAsharaNingheimPresets.esp
None that I am aware of.
* Other Tutorials
5.0, 24-09-2014 – Added Race Menu presets for Sigrid and Amarie’s latest faces.
5.0, 11-12-2013 – Added the faces of 5 breton females. Replaced Anja’s face with the face I used for her as a follower (nord). Added Uthgerd face (nord). Added Jenassa and Brelyna’s faces (dark eleves). Added Cecilia’s face (imperial).
4.3, 11-10-2013 – Added the faces of the companions as presets: Vilkas, Aela, Njada, Ria and Athis to the vanilla races presets.
4.2, 23-09-2013 – Added Vorstag’s new face as a Nord preset and Nimrodel face as a High elf and a Wood elf presets.
4.1, 29-08-2013 – Added the faces of the 5 housecarls: Argis, Calder, Iona, Jordis and Lydia.
4.0, 10-08-2013 – Added 5 high elf presets (3 men and 2 women) and the same faces as presets for the wood elf race, too, as they look good for both races.
3.2, 19-05-2013 – Added two versions of Tresa as presets (Ningheim race)
3.1, 18-01-2013 – Added Mjoll the Lioness, Aerin, Sienna v4 and Sienna v5 faces to the Presets as replacers.
3.0, 30-11-2012 – Added Belrand, Benor, Anja v2, Xenia, Lisa and Sienna v3 faces to the Presets as replacers and Sandra and Lynn’s faces to the Temptress race presets.
2.5, 24-09-2012 – Added Stenvar’s face to the Presets as replacers and Erin’s face to the Temptress race presets.
2.4, 22-08-2012 – Added Rowan’s face (Temptress race).
2.3, 04-08-2012 – Added Erik, Anja and Onmund faces.
2.2, 21-06-2012 – Added Vorstag and Sienna v2 faces.
2.1, 09-04-2012 – Released presets as replacers for compatibility with other mods that modify the default races. Added Fabio Antonio as preset.
2.0, 08-03-2012 – Released faces as presets.
1.0, 13-01-2012 – Initial release.
You can reuse these characters into your own mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute them.
If you want to reuse the face texture in the optional file in your own mod, you must ask permission to BellaGail first.