Ashlander Camp New Zainab
New Zainab is a reconstruction of the remote Ashlander camps found in the wastelands of Morrowind.
A mod by Antiscamp
After Red Mountain erupted, many of us were forced out of our old homeland in Morrowind. We came here expecting refuge, but found hatred and mistrust; their cities were cold and inhospitable and opportunities were scarce. We were born free, we, the old, gentle and wise people of the wastes; hatred and cold did not take our interest. Born free, trapped in this cold place. So, a few of us, went to seek the freedom that the gods had destined for us. And we founded New Zainab. Here, we live like our ancestors. Free and proud, in peace. But my days are soon over, and I will soon leave this life; I fear for my people that they might not find a new Ashkhan and end up without guidance.
New Zainab is a reconstruction of the remote Ashlander camps found in the wastelands of Morrowind. New Zainab is located in Eastmarch, south of Windhelm, in the marshy areas found there. Much care has been taken to recreate the feeling and atmosphere of the Ashlander camps from Morrowind. There are also three merchants (a Wise Woman, trader and smith), and two potential follower companions, Erena and Dremyn. Eleven NPC’s in all live at the camp. The Ashkhan’s Yurt may function as a player house with safe storage. All of this is aimed at players who want to play a Dunmer refugee trying to settle in the new homeland, but it’s a cool addition to any game.
The Dragonborn DLC is required for this mod.
Use NMM or do a manual installation. Put the CampNewZainab.esp, .bsa and Sounds folder in your Data folder and off you go. Don’t forget to activate it in the launcher or whatever mod manager you use.
Camp Zainab is found south of Windhelm and Kynesgrove in the marshy land with the hotsprings.
Be sure to check out my other camps as well. Camp Argentum, for the Imperial Legion and Camp Varglya for the Stormcloaks.
My thanks go to the following modders for their excellent resources. Without modders like these, we wouldn’t have such an awesome community. Go check them out and spread some endorsements around! Special thanks go to my friend Tamira.
Tamira and Phitt for Phitt’s Sheogorad Resource Part One
Tamira for her Whindchimes
Phitt’s Cliffracers
The Funktasm for Morrowind Style Clutter and More
Gendundrup for Bonemold and Chitin Weapons – Morrowind Armoury
Kalilies, Stealthic, Khaos and Shocky for KS Hairdos
Tamriel Rebuilt Name Generator was used for some of the Ashlander NPC names
Feb 13, 2016 Initial Release
Feb 14, 2016 1.1 Release
– Fixed missing texture
– Added Windchimes and sound
– Added a new basket model
– Supplied and alternative esp without the KS hairdos