Auto Health Magicka and Stamina

Skyrim Mods |

Auto Health Magicka and Stamina

Increases your Health, Magicka and Stamina every time you level up a skill. Fully customisable via an MCM menu.

Auto Health Magicka and Stamina
Increase your attributes smoothly as you level up your skills.
Each skill level up contributes to your total Health, Magicka and Stamina.
How much Health, Magicka and Stamina each skill level up provides is fully customisable using the SkyProc patcher provided.
Recalculates your Health, Magicka and Stamina based on your current skills.
How much Carry Weight each point of stamina provides is also customisable. Please note that if your stamina is less than 100 your carry weight will remain at 300. Once it’s higher than 100 each point of stamina will increase the carry weight by the value you’ve chosen in the MCM menu.

To change the values, open up the MCM menu and adjust from there. If you want to recalculate your attributes then you can do so vie the MCM menu.

Please note, if you don’t wish to gain an extra 10 Health, Magicka and Stamina each level you will need to use the Skyrim -Community- Uncapper by Elys to set these values to zero. You will still get the option to pick an attribute when you level up, but choosing one won’t do anything.

You will need to change the following lines in the ini:









Author: AliTheLord
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