Battle Matera
The brawn behind the Matera packs. Living in the dark for so long has hardened their paws for battle and strengthened their lust to protect. They are the defenders of the order and the champions of the blade. They are the more furrier counterpart to the Materan lifestyle.
[there’s a FAQ at the bottom of the page. Please look at that before inquiring about any issues!]Some of the description on this page is out of date or not quite what it seems (mainly the spells). If you have a question; as Rinera put it, my minions will answer-if not me. So leave a comment please.
For those that wish to use the console to add (or subtract) spells from the three races. Please refer to the Spell ID chart found below the FAQ
Just as a warning: I am usually a very happy person (except when I have my depressive episodes). But a GRAVE pet peeve of mine is when people ask about problems WITHOUT giving me any further information. If something is not working, don’t just tell me “it crashes”. I NEED INFORMATION. If I bite your head off, It’s due to prego hormones and stress. So I am placing this as a courtesy.
Love all users of the Matera (new and old)
For everyone that is having issues with showracemenu. 9/10 times, it is not the mod. It is the showracemenu in general. Skyrim is designed to load everything at once while in character creation. So if you have say…hair mods. It will likely crash if your PC can not handle the output. So below is the recommended fix. Matera IS compatible with all hair mods. I have over 275+ hairs and I have yet to see any NOT compatible.
ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer by kapaer
I have placed a new requests section at the bottom of the page. If you made a request and it’s not shown at the bottom. Please give me a friendly reminder. This is due to all the workload I have and I want to keep it orderly. ~Charismoon
Guess who’s back! Only this time they are MUCH furrier. Better buy a ton of conditioner now while you can.
Skyrim (ofcourse)
**requires skyrim to be updated to at least 1.8.1 – Not my doing, blame Bethesda lol**
RacialCompatibility.esm -RaceCompatibility for Dawnguard plus vanilla version upgrades by TMPhoenix
*Has a nice lovely NMM installer now
I DID NOT add any hair, eyes, anything, so it’s basically basic. purposefully done. Please look at theadditional credits below for links to hair, eyes, etc. Default is Redguard Race.
The Battle Matera is the strength behind the Materan society. They love the steel in their hands and the armor against their fur. They are closer to the original Matera then any other of the orders. They much prefer strength over stealth and treat everyone in their order with due respect. They protect their family with fierce steel fangs and carry a warrior’s heart.
Check out these other mods from Matera Users and Other Friends!*Click on image to be relocated*
Disclaimer: All Images belong to their respective mod authors. I only applied them for better understanding. If you are the mod author and feel you don’t want them posted. Feel free to message me. Please and thanks ~Charismoon
“Being called weird is like being called Limited Edition. Meaning you’re something people don’t see that often. Remember that.” – Unknown
Special Thanks: My Husband and everyone using this mod! Thank you all very much :). What I lack in modding experience I try to give in Quick updates.
TMPhoenix – For the great work on the scripting and assistance. Please endorse their mod as well.
-Custom race DG fix-
arecaidianfox – For his beautiful battle matera retexture!~
SynX1 – for the Matera Followers Mod (Link on Top)
– For helping with the Lore of the race
rattlemebones- For confirming that Skyrim 1.8.1 IS required. Thanks!
kusaku – for keeping up with the testing/conflict reports
argusmercs – For helping with the testing of the Battle Matera release 1.0
-Natural Tracker – (z button) Shows the path to the current goal (Clairvoyance-but with the nose! Sniff sniff)
-Dual Bladed Effective – When Dual Wielding One-Handed Weapons of the same type, You do 25 more damage.
-Valkuth’s Protection- When using a shield Valkuth protects you with his grace. Spell Type (Concentration) Restores Health 10 points
-Valkuth’s Protection – Summon – (z button) Summon’s one of Valkuth’s Pups to assist you in battle. The familiar levels with you. He acts like any other familiar should, including not dismissing (just kill him but but….WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! YOU MONSTER!)
**Note: When you summon him the first time (when loading) it seems he doesn’t appear sometimes. Just either give it 5 secs or just resummon and he’ll appear (or die and reappear).**
Just drag/drop the folder labeled Data…..
(Default) C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonskyrim
Also can be: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonskyrim
If asked to overwrite it should be OK.Just hit yes to all.
or wherever your Install folder is….your on your own there if it’s custom….
Uninstall: Go to your Skyrim install folder you went to above
skyrimDatameshesactorscharacterBMaTera [*DELETE BMaTera Folder]
skyrimDatatexturesactorscharacterBMaTera[*DELETE BMaTera Folder]
skyrimDataScripts [*DELETE BMateraracecontroller.pex]
skyrimDataScriptsSource [*DELETE BMateraracecontroller.psc]
skyrimData[*DELETE BMatera.esp]
– May take a couple Seconds for Valkuth’s pup to appear *See Notes below Racials*
-Less Fur Version – Will show skin @ the chest and head
-More Fur Textures + patterns
-Scar Versions
-CBBE Slim Version
-Battle Matera Pet – Valkuth (Yes, will actually be him! not just his pup!) – Same as Kedelta (not by looks) *BTW – These pets have a HUGE part ahead of them 😉 I want to reveal who they really are SO bad! lol*
-No Nipple version (just a furry chest)
-No Tattoo version
-More racials + upgraded racial (per comments)
-Sexy Tan and Shine for CBBE Body by Desufire –
-DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99 –
If I missed anyone please message me – I have anxiety so it kind of gets in the way sometimes.
Useful Mods: Optimizer Textures by AdPipino – – Basically it can resize ALL the textures for Skyrim + mods. Works very well if your like me and have a semi – dying graphics card that hates high textures (which is why I don’t do them in MaTera). If anyone else wants to make a high resolution version. Be my geust 🙂
Sex change crash Workaround by LABTECH – If your having the issue where changing from male to female causes a CTD for ANY mod at all. This worked for me.
If I missed anyone please message me for additional credits as well
I want to make my Fuzzy Battle Matera look like your Regular Matera.
Answer: Everything is named the same in the Matera folder as it is in the BMatera folder. All you have to do is go to:
Data->meshes(textures)->actor->character->rename Matera to BMatera-> Overwrite in Skyrim installation.
The only thing that won’t change will be the warpaints.
I want to replace your Battle Matera’s Skeleton with another skeleton! I don’t like the default, it’s no fun :/.
Answer:Look Below Please-
How To: Below is how to replace your Battle MaTera’s skeletons to any other skeleton
You have to copy the skeleton you are using from the default skeleton path
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\character assets female [for Female]
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\character assets [for Male]
Copy skeletonbeast_female.nif [Female] OR skeletonbeast.nif [Male]
Paste in the MaTera location
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\BMaTera\female\body [for Female]
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\BMaTera\male\body [for Male]
Make sure to use the BEAST skeleton of the skeleton variation you wish to replace. If not, it may crash because the Battle Matera NEED the tail nodes for it to work.
Your Matera does not show up in the race menu! What do I do?!
Answer: If it is not showing up it is a 95% probability that something was not downloaded/ installed at all or correctly. Something may also not be enabled(checked).
First, make sure you have Race Compatibility by TMPheonix (NOT the older one!). This IS required because the werewolf and the vampire won’t work without it!
Second, make sure that your Skyrim is updated to the latest version. As of writing this it is v1.8.1.
Third, Double check and MAKE sure the racecompatibility.esm AND Matera/BMatera is checked! (I know, I know, noob mistake but it CAN HAPPEN)
Forth, Make sure you have the Main file installed THEN your body file (if done manually)(this won’t usually cause it to not show up but its best to check)
My Game crashes when changing from male to female or changing race in general.
Answer: My first suggestion would be to check and make sure you have the correct body type (if you use an armor/clothing replacement) as well as the racial compatibility mod.
My HIGHEST suggestion would be to use the sex change work around mod below. I have not found anything not compatible with it yet.
Sex change crash Workaround by LABTECH
My NEW highest suggestion would be ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer by kapaer
The sex change still works but the pre-cache helps with alot more then just the sex. (that sounded wrong)
You have the regular version of my body but I want bouncing titties!
Answer: This is pretty easy. It just takes some work on your end. The reason why I don’t do this is because, well, I don’t want to ask permission for all the skeletons lol. back to the topic….
Install the skeleton that goes with the bouncing:
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\character assets female
Copy skeletonbeast_female.nif
Paste in the MaTera location
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\MaTera\female\body
Install the Body mesh that goes with the bouncing:
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\character assets female
Copy femalebody_0.nif AND femalebody_1.nif
Paste in the Battle MaTera location
[Your Install Location here]\meshes\actors\character\BMaTera\female\body
Make sure to use the BEAST skeleton of the skeleton variation you wish to replace. If not, it may crash because the Battle Matera NEED the tail nodes for it to work.
I created a Bodyslide for my body but your race is not compatible! Please fix!
Answer: See Question [You have the regular version of my body but I want bouncing titties!] and Under [Install Body Mesh]
Your mod broke my game! Now it crashes!
Answer: My patience level is stretched super thin. First check the requirements:
Skyrim (ofcourse)
**requires skyrim to be updated to at least 1.8.1 – Not my doing, blame Bethesda lol**
RacialCompatibility.esm -RaceCompatibility for Dawnguard by TMPhoenix
*Has a nice lovely NMM installer now
*Dbl check that you have EVERYTHING installed correctly. I don’t know HOW ppl keep missing this. It’s mind boggling to me. If you are sure you have everything, stay calm and GIVE ME SPECIFICS! If you don’t, I’ll merely quote this back to you. Have a great day.
How do you submit images. My matera is pretty and I want to show it off. 🙁
Answer: It took me forever to find out too lol. So don’t worry.
Thought a visual will help everyone. Looking forward to seeing more screenshots of lovely materas.
If none of those work, contact me on comments or message. comments will be faster on the Matera original page.
player.addspell spellid Replace spellid with one of the numerical values listed
Battle Matera: (You need to type ~ “tide key” -> then type help SpellName to get the proper SpellID to add)
SpellID: Spell Name
01ABBMatera -> Dual Bladed Effective
01ABBMaterainstinctsmell -> Natural Tracker
02ABBMaterashield -> Valkuth’s Protection (Health)
02ABBMaterashield02 -> Valkuth’s Protection (Summon)
-New color furs (from the regular Matera and others)
-New noticeable nose texture
-Claws racial
-New glowing eyes
-New slitted eyes
-Less black on the Tail
-Fix nose texture
-Fix out of position warpaint (it’s only slightly) (half fox skull warpaint)
-Make the ears and tail bigger/bushier
Color Change Progress / In Order:(Being Resumed slowly)
Light Silver
Courtesy of my little brother: He confirmed that following this video works with the greybeard attacking you bug. Just thought I’d put it here for everyone.
it was hard without a horse but it worked. need to have 200 stamina.
just do not look back when you run. and also dodge and weave when it come to the shouts
Courtesy of swmXIII: For the Brawl Bug. There is a mod out there that fixes certain bugs with brawling. Like the magic bugs that some of my racials have. You can find it here.
SwmXIII: There is a mod called brawl bug plugin fix or something like that if you do encounter this problem (I use quite a few gameplay overhauls and unnoficial patches so I don’t really have to use it)
In Reply To: Do the racials count as magic in a brawl bug question.
There’s always of-course the unofficial mod patches:Unofficial Skyrim Patch,Unofficial High Resolution Patch,Unofficial Dawnguard Patch, Unofficial Hearthfire Patch, Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.
Courtesy of Charis(Me): This helped the issue I was having with Skyrim turning black then back periodically. Or CTD out of the blue. But Everytime I CTD I would get the error that my display driver stopped responding – Nvidia. I used the fix it now windows tool at the bottom. It’s working for me so I thought I’d post it here for anyone else that may find it works for them.”Display driver stopped responding and has recovered” error in Windows 7 or Windows Vista
Courtesy of arecaidianfox – I thought I’d mention that I found the issue with my brawling problem. It was the Brawl Bugs Patch itself. As soon as I uninstalled it, brawls began functioning correctly. If I had to guess, it’s because I am using SPERG, which seems to have some sort of brawling fix already.