Menstruation and pregnancy simulation mod with many features such as a new Follower-System with as many Follower as you want, new items and many other things.
BeeingFemale 2.8 Fix1
In first line, BeeingFemale is a procreation mod (menstruation cycle and pregnancy Simulation) that allows female Players and NPCs to have a menstraul cycle and becomming pregnant. But there is way more then that. It’s a realy huge, realistic and dynamic mod with many features that will give skyrim a complete new feeling.
It was made to bring a bunch more RPG to skyrim and answering the question, where all the children are comming from.
For sure there is even more then just pregnancy.
Depending on your settings you may have a realy cute Baby carring around a new child-follower with a complete own and new Follower System with many features, or you have sealed your Baby into a soul-gem.
Create your own little family together with your spouse and have some fun and great adventures with your children.
If you don’t feel ready for a family or don’t want to risk pregnancy when you go to bed, you can use the contraception fluid. There is a note in your inventory about contraception or there are some hinds in the FAQ
For sure, all NPCs that have a name are suported, too!
– Own and realistic menstraution cycle
– a bunch of buffs and debuffs
– contraception
– growing belly
– 3 new widgets that Displays informations
– pregnant with multiple Babys (up to 6 Babys at the first time)
Child Actor:
– an own Follower System
– “Go to spouse” dialogue Option
– Own skill tree
– Own perk tree
– Can learn spells (just give it a spell-book)
– helps in combat situations
Child Item:
– Wearable
– dynamic enchantments are casted on birth
– NPCs will automaticly wear the Baby
Craftable Items:
– Sanitary napkin – smithing
– Contraception fluide (low and medium by default) – cooking pot
– wash out sperm essence – cooking pot
– Different types of belly scaling
– Many Options in the MCM menu to customize everything how you want
– couple maker
– An own AddOn System, so mods for BeeingFemale can be created without changing the main mod
– Many new widgets and menus
– some functions are developed in native C-Code to speed up BeeingFemale
– birth animations (you must enable them first)
– Compatible with many other mods
– 3 Books that explains everything!
– Hotkey (Default 8) with 3 functions, depending how Long you press the key
– Race and sex Switch is possible anytime
– SKSE 1.7 or later
– SkyUI
– PapyrusUtil (or a Mod that already include PapyrusUtil)
– RaceMenu
– A Body with the “NPC Belly” Node – so the belly scaling is visible
– Armor with the “NPC Belly” Node – so the belly scaling is visible even when the actor is wearing an armor
– Skeleton with “NPC Belly” Node – so belly node is possible at all.
There are manythings for developer what they can do. Basicly there are 3 different Kinds of AddOns
– Race AddOn: Give a specific race some modifications.. for example a new Kind of Baby, or a multiply for the duration of a Phase.
– CME AddOn: This will add a new Buff / Debuff to a Phase. Lets say, you want the woman to have headage during the menstraution Phase, …
– Misc AddOn: MiscAddOns are Papyrus – scripted addons. There are many new Events that are raised. For example you can create camera effects, playing Sound effects, ….
For sure there are even more Things, developer and modder can do. There are a few variables that can be used to create dialogues, maps, NPC comments, …
For example there Phase, the Player is in, is stored in a global variable. Now mappers can create Areas where the Player only can enter, when she is pregnant.
A basic Installation guide
1 – Download and install the latest Version of SKSE
2 – Download and install the latest Version of SkiUI
3 – Download and install XP32 Maximum Skeleton – XPMS
4 – Download and install the latest Version of FNIS
5 – Download and install a Body with belly node support
6 – Download and install an armor pack with belly node Support (for example “PSVAC”)
7 – Download and install the latest Version of BeeingFemale
8 – Run Fore New Idles Skyrim and create the animations (located in ./Skyrim/Data/Tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe)
If the BeeingFemale Menu will be shown in the list, but when you click on it and it will only display “black”, deactivate the “BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.eps” and try it again.
If this doesn’t help, open the console and type in “bf:code” (without the quotes) and send the code to me that will be displayed.
Q: How does it work?
A: There are 3 Books in your inventory. It is way to complex to explain everything in a FAQ. But it works like it does in reality – an egg is traveling thought the female body, a sperm can concive it and the woman will be pregnant.
Q: Are NPCs suported?
A: Yes. NPCs are fully suported aslong they have a name (unique). Non-Unique NPCs like Guards, bandits, … are generaly not suported for the preganancy
Q: What are those AddOns?
A: AddOns are specific mods that include content to BeeingFemale. They can specificate races (changing the duration of a phase, the pain level, the kid of child that will born, and even more, adding more PMS Effects, menstrual effects, ….)
Q: Where I can find AddOns?
A: Well, there are already a few great AddOns around. the easiest way would be Google
Q: Will the childs grow to an adult?
A: No. This got many reasons. The most imporant is that children won’t grow to an adult in just 10 days. Another thing is that this would be realy dificult to make, because of the AddOn System, and stuff.
Q: I’m suffering on an infection – will my character die now?
A: Cure it – just buy a cure potion! otherwise you will die.
Q: Why the min duration of a phase is 2 Days?
A: This was the easiest way to fix problems with the calculation and the AddOns.
Q: Why are children / elder forbidden / blocked?
A: Elder won’t have a menstrual cycle anymore… same to children.
Q: Are there crafts i can create?
A: Yes. There are many crafts you can create. Contraception Fluid so you can’t become pregnant, Anti Sperm Fluid (aka: Wash out sperm fluid) to wash out the sperm that is already inside you, sanitary napkins to fetch the menstrual blood.
Q: The Conecption Widget says i’ve got 6% chance to conceive and i’m ovulating – what does this actualy meen?
A: Such low conception chances are like 0% + tollerance. I don’t think your character will become pregnant. Seems the egg won’t nist in the utherus or there was no egg when ovulating or something else happend. Wait for the next cycle maybe next time it will work.
Q: I’ve got a negative ‘State Time’ and it’s falling even more – what can i do?
A: This is a bug i couldn’t figure out right now. It happens when the BeeingFemale Timer is resumend after a pause (disabled via MCM Menu or Estrus Chaurus Pregnancy). The only way to fix it is a reset the Player Stats using the MCM Menu. I’m still working on this bug.
Q: Is it possible to keep the widgets visible?
A: Yes, keep the hotkey pressed for 1.2 sec or longer. Press the key again to hide them again
Q: Is the Sourcecode included?
A: Yes! Except the widgets and the native code, everything is included
Q: May I create an AddOn?
A: Sure! please create as many AddOns as you want and please, share them and don’t be shy.
Q: Can i prevent pregnancy?
A: Yes, you can use the cooking pot to create some contraception fluids. Use those fluids from time to time. They won’t prevent impregnation immidialy, they will only add around 20% – 40% per use. You should drink the next fluid after a few days, before the effect will drop again. This will add another 20% – 40% contraception. But don’t drink them all at once! You have to wait some days until you should drink the next. There is a maximum of around 98%. When you drank enough you will reach this limit.