Berserk Dragonslayer
Guts sword
“That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron.”
Guts Dragonslayer, i know you wanted it, or at least i know i did.
Sword can be purchased from Eorlund, or it can be crafted with 20 iron ingots and 2 leather strips (it’s found in the daedric category). Can be improved at the grindstones and enchanted, the base damage is 28 (VS. the 24 daedric greatsword base damage), so it’s not too overpowered.
Model and textures made only by myself, if you want something changed let me know and i’ll see what i can do. There are two version, one with 2048×2048 textures, and one with 1024×1024 textures, for now saved in DXT1 with alpha to limit filesize. If you want a DXT3/DXT5 version let me know, i didn’t upload them right away because of the size. Use the 2048×2048 if you have a modern graphic card with plenty of Vram. Otherwise use the 1024×1024 version.
The blood layer works, i re-did the UV mapping.
Drop the Data folder in your Skyrim directory, then open the Skyrim launcher and click “Data
files”. Be sure that the Dragonslayer.esp is checked, then activate “load loose files”.
Model and textures were made entirely by me, and i declare this mod as a modder resource, so you can edit whatever you want, port to whatever game you want, make retextures, whatever. I only ask 2 things in return:
– You credit me in your work
– you send me a PM/email with the link to your mod, i like to see other people mods :).