BETTER LEVELING PerMa SkyRe SPERG Skyrim Unleashed Skyrim Skills Redesigned Elys Community Uncapper

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BETTER LEVELING PerMa SkyRe SPERG Skyrim Unleashed Skyrim Skills Redesigned Elys Community Uncapper

Better leveling is a set of custom .ini files for the Community Uncapper by Elys and will aim at making the leveling more progressive and balanced.

Ever feel that leveling is too fast in Skyrim ?
Displeased by how many you gain for carry capacity and perk point at level up ?
Bored being a high level character early in game only by crafting things ?
Not in mood to learn how to edit an .ini file ?
Searching an example of Uncapper .ini file ?

An easy answer is to download this mod.

Max level skill increased.

The Player Character (PC) & the combat-magic skills leveling curve have been balanced towards levels 1-100 .
Your PC will spend more time for leveling.

Lockpicking, pickpocket, sneak and speech skills provides no PC exp after PC hit level xx .
(PerMa : Wayfarer,fingersmith,sneak and speech skills provides less experience points for PC while skill increase in level.)

Crafting skills level up faster after skill hit level xx. Crafting provides no PC exp after PC level xx.
(PerMa : Crafting skills level up faster after skill hit level xx. Crafting provides less experience points for PC while skill increase in level.)

Gain carrying capacity no matter whether you invest in health, magic, or stamina. (~ 500 carry weight gained at PC level 100)

Gain more Perk points.

NoPainNoGain version make leveling slower than main version.

KickAss version make leveling faster than main version.

Individual read-me for each config in each file.

1. Download & install Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) and SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users by Sagittarius2.
2. Download & install the Skyrim -Community- Uncapper mod by Elys. (update, 17 December 2013)
3. Overwrite the Elys Uncapper .ini file with Better Leveling.

Note : The Community Uncapper only makes changes to the game setting. So it is entirely safe to add or remove this SKSE plugin at any point of the game. Disabling it will not corrupt your playthroughs or saves.

Yes it’s pretty easy to understand how works the Uncapper and make your own preset.
You only have to read the guide from (start with advanced tab)
And watch this YT video tutorial.

Custom Uncapper for Ordinator

Notepad++ is a free tool that allows you to edit an .ini file.

LOOT is a plugin load order optimizer for TES IV: Oblivion, TES V: Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

Mod Installer Creator allows you to create an installer for your mods, quickly and easily without the need for any additional software just by editing an .ini file.

FISS allows modders to provide the possibility to save user defined presets for mods in SkyUI MCM menu.

Save game script cleaner Hadoram be praised.

ENB FXAA SweetFX Manager and Remover is a small programme to find and delete all traces of all versions from a given directory.

Author: aselnor
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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