Better Nordic Ruins
Better Nordic Ruins aims to add more to the Vanilla Nordic Ruins by expanding the ruins and adding architecture.
Better Nordic Ruins is still very much a work in progress.
It aims to add more to the Vanilla Nordic Ruins (such as Bleak Falls Barrow, Labyrinthian, etc.) by expanding the ruins and adding architecture.
The idea is to add more without interfering with markers, scripts, etc. and to keep the general layout of each ruin. Also, the navmesh is adjusted for each addition.
Version 1 will include all Dragon Priests’ ruins!
Better Nordic Ruins:
– Bleak Falls Barrow
– Korvanjund
– Forelhost
– Simply extract the .esp and drop it into your Skyrim data folder! It’s that simple.
– The Skyrim data folder can be found at …/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Data!
Any and all feedback is welcome, as well as ideas and suggestions!
Change Log
– Started on Bleak Falls Barrow
– Worked some more on Bleak Falls Barrow
– Potentially finished Bleak Falls Barrow
– Added Korvanjund
– Changed File name from “01_BetterNordicRuins” to “BetterNordicRuins”
– Added Forelhost
Mods used when creating this: