Birds of Skyrim
Adds birds to the world of skyrim
Logo made by psychosteve. Thanks a lot 8)
18.08.12 – Birds of Skyrim version 0.6.5 released.
Changes in this update:
– Some new bird spawns around skyrim
– Small bugfix (thanks Eyatorius!)
– Introducing sound effects.
Seagull sounds have now been added to these three locations:
– Solitude docks
– The Dainty sload (Ship)
– Wreck of the brinehammer
Feel free to give feedback, critisism, endorsements, suggestions etc 😉
As always, test the new update before you continue your savegame!
09.08.12 – New textures for the default chicken has been uploaded. There is a brown, and a white variant. Copy data folder into skyrim folder to install. This can also be used together with automatic variants.
This is a part of an ongoing project aiming to populate skyrim with much more diverse wildlife. I hope to be able to improve all aspects of animal life in the future.
Bird locations:
Bullfinch: Found outside the farms in windhelm, and in dawnstar.
Crows: Found outside the college of winterhold, and in Windhelm.
Jay: Found in falkreath
Kingfisher: Found near inland water sources. For example the water west of riverwood
Oystercatcher: Found on the northwestern coast.
Pheasant: Mostly found in the wilderness between Riverwood and Falkreath.
Pigeons: Found inside and around the cities Markhart, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun and windhelm.
Wood pigeons: Found in falkhreath and outside Markhart
Pine thrush: Found in the rift area.
Sandpipers: Found in the swampy area east of solitude.
Seagulls: Found on the dock areas of Dawnstar, Morthal, Solitude and Windhelm. They are also found in the wild along the northern coast of Skyrim.
Red grouse and ruffed grouse: Found on the plains between Whiterun and Roerikstead.
Sprouced grouse: Found in the wilderness between Riverwood and Falkreath
Semi coloured grouse: Found in the border area between snowland and dryland.
White grouse: Found in the wild in snowy areas. Hard to find, and rare.
Snow bunting: Found in winterhold.
Sparrows, willow tits and great tits: Different places around skyrim
Ravens: Mostly found east of Whiterun. You could for example try the riften graveyard.
Roosters: Most of the farms around skyrim have one rooster.
Baby chicken: Riverwood, Ivarstead, Solitude farm, and Whiterun farm
Copy content of compressed folder to the skyrim folder.
For rooster sounds download this mod:
Roosters at dawn
Other animal mods highly recommended by me:
Skytest – Realistic animals and predators
More village animals
Improved fish – more spawning
Pets of Skyrim
All of them are compatible with my mod, and will together with this mod make your skyrim a much richer place!
Birds of skyrim international:
Brazilian Portuguese (V0.6)
Czech (V0.6)
French (V0.6.5)
German (V0.6.5)
Italian (V0.6.5)
Russian (V0.5)
Spanish (V0.6.5)
I hope you guys enjoy!
Further information:
This is a work in progress mod, so everything is not perfect yet. However i believe this mod is good enough to add something to the game.
Below i have written down info on progress, and my own thoughts on direction of the mod:
Basically i am only adding birds that are a realistic and believable in the skyrim climate. Also, i will only base my birds on real world birds. No fantasy stuff 🙂
My birds are coming from these ideas:
– Found in Norway (I consider norwegian climate to match skyrim climate very well, also these are the birds i live with).
– Found in tes lore.
– Suggestions from users.
Below is a list to give an idea of birds to come.
Confirmed birds to be in the next update 0.6 (search on google images to know what they look like):
– Female pheasants
– Magpies
– Wood pigeons
If you have any strong objections against any birds you are free to comment, but you have to bring good arguments :p
Birds that will be made sometime:
– Rock Warbler
Birds i really want to add but I need to overcome technical difficulties:
– Swimming seagulls and ducks.
– Owls
– Geese
– More customized flying birds, sizes and flying patterns.
Birds that already has been suggested and will be considered:
– Vultures (Bearded, Lappet, Black, Turkey, Condor, etc.)
– Eagles (Golden, Bald, African Crowned, Harpy, etc.)
– Owls (Great Horned, Snow, Eurasianed, Blakinston’s, etc.)
– Cranes (Whooping, Sarus, Red Crowned, etc.)
– Turkeys
– Falcons (Gyrfalcon, Peregrine, Kestrels, etc.)
– Hawks (Red-tailed, Cooper’s, Kites, Osprey, etc.)
– Bats
– Blue Jays
– Mocking Birds
– Atlantic Puffins
– Penguins
Birds that have been suggested but will never make it to this mod:
– Parrots
– Any fantasy based creature
If your bird did not make it to one of these lists, i propably have missed it. Feel free to put it into comments section.
Features i am currently looking to implement (dont know when):
– Spesific sound effect for the birds. First will be seagullsounds in places with a lot of seagull.
– 3D placement. I am trying to work out a good way of placing birds on shopsigns, lanterns, trees, roofs etc.
– A good faction and ai behaviour system.
– Bird spesific loot
Features that have been suggested and i am considering:
– Bird shit! :p