Black Tower Island
Travel to Winterhold where there’s a dead courier on the shore down below the village.
Read his note and take his spell book to travel to Black Tower Island and free the village from their oppressor.
Battle through dungeons and tombs in an effort to defeat the evil both in and below the Black Tower, and inherit the tower itself as reward!
When you get to the Island there are 2 quests. One is a very large dungeon delve, and the other is the quest to get the tower. I moved the starting strongboxes for each dungeon delve to a central location near the main gate in the center of the village due to people having trouble finding them.
SE compatible, dungeons reworked and fleshed out more, final Aegis boss spawn fixed, minor tweaks and additions, and setting up for the next adventure (which is almost done).
If you have any questions please feel free to email me… =)
Dragonborn Dlc
Dawnguard Dlc
I plan on expanding this island area with more content, quests, dungeons, etc… as I get better with the CK.
This, my first mod was a fantastic learning experience (originally started for my 11 yr old son who plays).
I will address issues and add content as time allows.
This mod was tested by a group of people with varying installations as should not conflict with many mods.
The only mods I can imagine it would conflict with would be any that change the shoreline down behind the ruined building (under the college) in Winterhold.