Blacks Mounts Chocobos with Music
Blacks Mounts Chocobos with Music Version 2.0. No DLC required !
Optional file: Esp Version Française
“Blacks Chocobos” allow you to summon 5 Blacks Chocobos Mounts and -simple- Followers wherever you want, with the music of the chocobos when you mount !
You can easily dismiss the summonable mount.
NEW: Now you can turn easily …
The chocobos are also in my other mod: CHOCOBOS MOUNTS and FOLLOWERS
And my new mod “Incubated Chocobos” adds the ability to quickly incubate eggs of Chocobos with the fire of the forge, and quickly create a horde of baby Chocobos (5, 15, 50, 100 …) that are following you as if you were their mother ! : Incubated Chocobos
Only for the manual installation:
1) With « 7 – zip » -or other- (right click) you must unzip the downloaded file
2) You have a folder: “Data” (with 2 files: “SummonBlackChocobo.bsa” and “SummonBlackChocobo.esp”)
You have to put this folder « Data » in “…Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim ”
For the manual and the NMM installations:
3) When you start the game, in “data files”, you must check “SummonBlackChocobo.esp” at the bottom of the list to obtain the 6 books/spells……..OK…..play (Normally, this is done automatically !)
(Only if you have installed my other mods “Summon…”): You must INSTALL the summons (my other mods “summon”) ONE BY ONE ! (ALL my mods are STANDALONE !)
You can find the “Spell tome: Summon XXXX Chocobo” and the “Spell tome:Dismiss Summoned Black Chocobo” at Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach/Fort Dragon (Whiterun/Blancherive) or with an other “Spell Vendor” (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace/Palais Bleu in Solitude).
To uninstall, simply remove these files ! (if you have forgotten which files these are, simply unzip the folder of the mod again, and then find the same in Data).
1) You can put in your Skyrim.ini ( user / My Documents / My Games / Skyrim ) the following settings (you can copy / paste the following):
These settings allow you to see all mounts correctly, whether your character takes his weapon out or not.
2) If you have any problems with the Mounts, you can try a Fast Travel.
The Chocobo can’t jump, fly or swim…
If you dismount in the water, it is possible to swim in the air !! Solution: MOUNT AGAIN or SPACEBAR
When the chocobo is in battle, it approaches the enemy and just stand their and lets itself be attacked and it doesn’t fight back (there is no animation in the game for the chickens/chocobos to fight)
it’s the same music for all the mounts ! (the chocobos……+ the horse, the other mounts of my mods….If somebody knows how to transform the script of the music…)