Bleach Kido and more WIP

Skyrim Mods |

Bleach Kido and more WIP

Urahara training ground beta and Urahara shop Alpha 1.0. Added Tessai. Shop now functional. Enemy Npc added to Training grounds. Navmesh beta made for shop and training ground.

Note This version will no longer be reciving updates. As of 2017 I will be in college for game design and will most likely be starting this from scratch. Feel free to use anything I’ve made here at your discretion.

Current Version 0.6.5
Bleach weapons Added from this mod
Changed mod type to new lands.
Hadou # 1Hadou # 4Hadou # 11Hadou # 12Hadou # 31 Hadou # 31 Incantation length and power

Hadou # 48 Hadou # 54 Hadou # 58Hadou # 88Bakudou #1Bakudou # 8Bakudou #21Bakudou #26
Shinigami potions for testing purposes

A Hadou 31 scroll
Some dialogue between player and Urahara.
Shinigami Faction as ally to player faction.
Shinigami race. Tell me how to balance it in the comments!!!!
Quincy Race,Faction, spells and power. Tell me how to improve the racial trait in the comments!
Urahara shop OPEN!
Soul society skeleton.
Urahara Training ground beta 2.0 open.
Tessai added non functional.

Known Bugs!!!
Some of the spells must be dual cast of the effects to work
Some effects are missing.
Tell me how to balance the spells. I’ve never done this before.
A full list of bugs can be found in the chest where the kido spells are.
The quincy bows are locked at the standard animation speed. I’ll be attempting to fix that so that their can be rapid fire bows.
For a quick fix of the quincy bow limitation use this.

I will be learning how to add and make custom assets for spells,armor and etc. If I can’t figure it out I start college later this year so I will be learning this type of thing then.

Author: Stormchaserelite
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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