Bleakfalls Bypass
A simple mod to make the repetitive task of retrieving the Golden Claw and the Dragonstone tablet so much less arduous.
It can be a right pain having to do Bleakfalls Barrow every time you start a new character (which in mine and my friends’ case seems to be quite often indeed) so this is a small mod to speed up the retrieval so you can go train your early levels wherever you feel like and speed up starting the story to unleash dragons into your world.
Bypass Bleakfalls adds a series of doorways through Bleakfalls Barrow which takes you from Farengar’s study to behind Arvel the Swift’s web tangle and from there to the boss chamber at the end of the dungeon to ensure you can grab the Golden Claw and the Dragonstone without having to trek through the entire length of Bleakfalls (and back if you don’t want to use the back exit to fast travel or trek down the mountain)
No known conflicts as it simply adds 3 doors in bleakfalls’ walls and 1 in Dragonsreach so I can’t imagine it would conflict with anything 🙂
Hope you find this useful, please check out my other mods, and enjoy!
Now available! Bypass Ustengrav – to make it easier to retrieve the horn of Jurgen Windcaller