BLEED – A Blood Overhaul
A Small mod which causes your hits with weapons to trigger a bleed effect on your enemy
– Blood will drip from their body onto the ground
– Blood around the place you hit
– you will also bleed if hit by an enemy
– Works with every weapon except: Staves, Magic and bare hands
BLEED – A Blood Overhaul
By: TheSkoomaKing
Requires: Newest Version of Skyrim
SkyUI as of update 1.3
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NEW IN 1.3
– Maces can now trigger bleeding! ( user request )
– MCM option Menu
You can now choose if you want to toggle player bleeding on/off
or NPC bleeding On/off
more options will be added soon enough
– Fixed a bug which drains mana each time the player is bleeding
– fixed a bug which prevented Dual casting,sprinting and jumping while bleeding
– if the player dies, he will bleed a blood pool, just as npcs do!
A Small mod which causes your hits with weapons to trigger a bleed effect on your enemy
– Blood will drip from their body onto the ground
– Blood around the place you hit
– you will also bleed if hit by an enemy
– if you or an npc dies there will become a blood pool around you
– You can avoid the Bleeding effect by blocking with either a shield or your current weapon
– Works with every weapon except: Staves, Magic and bare hands
– MCM option menu
I created this mod for myself and a friend, but later on decided to upload it to the nexus. As I felt the fights in skyrim were a bit weak.
Here is some videos i´ve made myself ( first time making videos and editing so dont be harsh! xd ) to show you how it looks ingame:
BLEED – A Blood Overhaul comparison.
This video shows how a normal fight looks like with and without the mod.
BLEED With Deadly Mutilation by Lamer1000
All Creatures will bleed, exept for Undeads. However this will be fixed in future updates.
And Dwemers will leak oil upon hit.
Made by Lamer1000
This mod is really badass together with Bleed! Make sure to check it out!
I am unsure that this mod will have any conflicts, as i´ve only played with one mod that looks like this mod: Crimson Tide – Blood. Which combined with this mod will disable the ability to make npcs bleed with weapons other than Bows. Do not know why :/