A resurrection of the Bloodstone Chalice with new meshes and textures. Now with separate empty and filled versions. 2K and 1K textures available.
BLOODSTONE CHALICE REBORN is a complete overhaul of the original vampire quest item. All new meshes and textures were created to fix the ugly distorted eyesore that was the original.
This mod was born out of a request. I was asked about whether the Dawnguard DLC Bloodstone Chalice could be retextured to improve it’s appearance. Upon investigation, I found that a retexture wasn’t going to help, because the original mesh was so oddly shaped, and the texture wrap so warped that even a detailed hi-res texture would still end up a distorted mess. I therefore, passed on the idea.
Later on, I was contacted by Nazenn, who kindly offered to revise the poor chalice mesh. Nazenn was just as shocked as I was at the terrible quality of the original mesh. In Maya, a brand new design was created that adheres to the original Bethesda concept. The new symmetrical mesh is a lot kinder to the texture wrap. The extreme shape of the chalice with it’s protruding spikes and pinched in stem still create some distortions to the texture, but they’re much less than the original. I did my best to maximize the details where the distortion was minimal.
The original Bloodstone Chalice had a single texture set (diffuse and normal), and just added the swirling liquid effect after you completed the quest and dipped the chalice into Redwater Spring. In our new version, there is a separate texture set (and mesh) for the filled chalice. You will now see the liquid dripping down the sides.
I hope people enjoy this collaborative effort between Nazenn and myself. Perhaps now, the Bloodstone Chalice will be a more worthy prize after your hard-fought quest to gain the Vampire Lord ability.
Remember, this quest item is exclusive to the Dawnguard, so you need that DLC to use this mod. Textures are available in 2K and 1K versions, so download whichever is appropriate for your setup. There is also a darker blood option for those who might use an ENB or SweetFX preset that makes the original texture too bright. Another optional file is included for those who would prefer to have the blood effect filling more of the chalice then the original design allows.
Gamwich and Nazenn