Blue Palace Frescos

Skyrim Mods |

Blue Palace Frescos

Wall paintings to match Elisifs beauty!

Hello to you all!

I decided to update my BPF mod! The main file now consists of updated BPF files, including Leanwolfs meshes, my fix for the sloppy vertex coloring on some of the Solitude column meshes and a bunch of textures to make Blue Palace and Solitude interiors look more pleasant. Solitude columns now consist of wood! There is no blue stucco texture in the main file anymore! Simply because it doesnt fit the brown wood textures so great, so I’ve put it into optional files.
But I guess some people will prefer the old look, so i included the old files as well. They contain the old blue stucco in the addon.
If you want only my new version, delete everything from my old mod.

Highly recommended mods to be used alongside BPF: Rugnarok and Rustic Windows!

Additional credit goes to Bethesda for the design of the Whiterun fresco, to Johannes Gehrts for the design of the Arminius fresco, to unknown Wallpaper creators from the internet for the designs of the King and the Ships frescoes, to JoeyLock on deviantart for the design of the Solitude banner and of course to LeanWolf for the smooth meshes he provided me with. The old 1.0 files also contain some textures from horrorviews sexy solitude.

You can use, modify and reupload those files as you like, you don’t need to ask my permission!

Author: Arthadion
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