Botox for Skyrim
Facelift all female faces of skyrim, including bandits, vampires and other no-names.
This mod replaces all female NPCs faces (1000+, including no-names, bandits and vampires) with autogenerated heads and KS Hairdos hair. Adds Vampire fangs to female vampire NPCs
Races included: Breton, Redguard, Imperials, Nord, HighElf, DarkElf, WoodElf and Orcs. They are autogenerated with custom morphs. Although the polycount on the hair has been reduced, it is still a load heavy mod and therefore not recommended for low-end PCs.
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-
The Botox ESP files are empty and only needed for .bsa archive loading.
It is possible to use this mod in combination with other head replacer mods if you want more variation.
Load other NPC replacer mods after botox.
Compatible with Bijin mods.
You can safely install/uninstall it mid-game. It’s only meshes and textures, no esp-settings.
Load Order:
Place Botox low in load order.
If you use additional head replacers, place them after Botox:
Immersive Wenches.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
Immersive Encounters.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
< Botox ESP files >