Breezehome Enchanter

Skyrim Mods |

Breezehome Enchanter

Tired of running all the way up to Dragonsreach every time you want to enchant something? Been disappointed with other enchanting table mods that just slap a big ugly table in the corner? Well then this might be the mod for you!

This mod is no longer supported. It should still work with standard Skyrim, but I won’t be doing any further updates or porting it to SSE. If you’re looking for a more up-to-date and complete Breezehome mod I suggest checking out

Breezehome TNF – Elianora’s Flavour by Goatk and Elianora. It offers a great balance of form and function with the excellent attention to detail that all of Elianora’s house mods are known for.

Breezehome Enchanter is a very simple mod and should be easy to reproduce on your own, but If anyone wishes to update it or use parts of it for their own mod, you are free to do so as long as no money is charged / it is not for business purposes. The only other thing I ask is that credit be given where due.

Tired of running all the way up to Dragonsreach every time you want to enchant something? Been disappointed with other enchanting table mods that just slap a big ugly table in the corner? Well then this might be the mod for you!

– Adds a tabletop Enchanter to Breezehome!
– Stays true to the intended aesthetic!
– Confirmed clean with TESVEdit!
– Doesn’t break anything!

**It’s suggested to save your game outside Breezehome before activating this mod. Not doing so may cause a poltergeist to throw some books around the alchemy lab**

— Installation —
1. Download the archive
2. Unzip it into your Data folder or install with your preferred mod tool
3. Make sure BreezehomeEnchanter.esp is enabled
4. Enjoy!

— Uninstalling —
1. Delete BreezehomeEnchanter.esp from your Data folder

— Update Log —
v1.1 – Added a safe lockbox and some lovely flowers to the shelf. Confirmed clean with TESVEdit.
v1.0 – Initial release

Author: ColFrambozen
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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