Breezehome Renovation with Bathroom
I made some changes to Breezehome in this MOD.
Add more container, mannequin, display case, bookshelf, and few changes interior.
I created basement floor. There is smithing workshop. Houscarl gave new room at 1F.
And now completed bathroom!
Trapdoor to basement is located in Alchemy Laboratory. See image.
Lydia motion change Female type. And change her default outfit, and essential.
For Commenter. Firespot move to side wall.
I recommend this esp use by New Game or before you get house.
If you have gone to house once, interior setting is saved. So you activate esp and load game, then interior setting will be chaos.
Sorry, I do not know how to restore this. And I do not intend to update and create option for this.
Copy and Paste esp file to your Skyrim/Data folder.
Only use One esp!
And select esp from Skyrim Lancher or any Mod Manager.
When you use this MOD first, you need go to other location(cell) and save game.
After load that save data ,and go inside home.
If you didn’t take these action, then moving mannequin or you might not normally use bookshelves and display cases.
Delete esp from Data folder.
You can use this mod freely. Nothing need contact to me.
But if you make modification and upload it, please credit me and original authors.
Next update:
No idea.