Burn Freeze Shock Effects
Apply a burned, frozen or calcinated skin shader when killing with magic
You will need the Brawl Bugs Patch mod to avoid the Brawl bug.
Note to modders
If you have a custom spell mod and you are using one of the default MagicDamage keywords on your spells (MagicDamageFire, MagicDamageFrost, MagicDamageShock), your mod will be automatically compatible with this mod. If you don’t wan’t to use the vanilla MagicDamage keywords but you want your spells to play the effects you can use this vanilla unused keywords:
– LinkCustom06 – Fire effects
– Linkcustom07 – Shock effects
– LinkCustom08 – Ice effects
This mod is compatible with any mod that modifies spells and custom spell mods. It does not modify any spell, perk or vanilla assets, it is already compatible with mods that alter spells or perks. So please stop asking me the same question.
As of version 3.4 a MCM menu is included to configure the mod ingame.
Apply a flaming effect if you have the Augmented Flames perk
Apply a burning skin effect if you have the Augmented Flames(rank 2) perk
The meat of the animals is replaced by the cooked version when burned, and their pelts are removed if you have the Augmented Flames(rank 2) perk
Apply a frost skin effect if you have the Augmented Frost perk
Apply an ice block effect if you have the Augmented Frost(rank 2) perk
Apply a sparkle effect if you have the Augmented Shock perk, also will make victims to convulse a few seconds
Apply a calcinated skin effect if you have Augmented Shock(rank 2) perk.
As in fire spells, the meat of the animals is replaced by the cooked version when burned, and their pelts are removed if you have the Augmented Shock(rank 2) perk
– Sometimes the effects applied directly to the skin ARE working but they are overriden by other shaders and disappear, if you remove any equipped item on the victim the effects will render again. This tends to happen more often if dual casting.
– If you remove any equipped item on a burned/freezed victim the membrane shader will disappear until you exit the container menu. This is the way Skyrim handles membrane shaders, nothing I can do about it.
– If you leave and reenter a cell the shaders will no longer be there, just like blood or magic decals.
– Sometimes when a npc disintegrates (disintegrate perk) it will just disappear instead of slowly fading away.
– Scroll spells doesn’t seem to apply the effects.
This is the list of races and creatures not affected by the effects, this is intentional:
Dragon, Dwarven, Familiar, Ghost, Atronach(any type), Dragon priest, Skeleton, Icewraith, Wisp, WispShade, Witchlight.
Skeletons are affected by the frost effects, but are not by fire or shock effects
Dwarven are affected by sparks of shock effects, but are not by the calcinated effect and the convulsion animation