Classic Books
This mod adds some classic literature to the world of Skyrim.
This mod was a request to add some classic literature to the world of Skyrim. No DLC required!
The new books have been scattered around the world. There are 26 pieces for you to collect (or sell for a fair price)! These are obviously, not the complete writings, but very short excerpts (two or three pages) that I felt were interesting, funny, significant or insightful. Most of these are in the public domain, but some are not. Their authors have been listed in the “permission and credits” section.
Here’s the complete list of books included:
01 – 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
02 – A Tale of Two cities
03 – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
04 – Catcher in the Rye
05 – Charlotte’s Web
06 – David Copperfield
07 – Don Quixote
08 – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
09 – Frankenstein
10 – Gulliver’s Travels
11 – Hamlet
12 – Journey to the Center of the Earth
13 – Little Women
14 – Lord of the Flies
15 – Moby Dick
16 – Romeo and Juliet
17 – The Great Gatsby
18 – The Lord of the Rings, Vol I
19 – The Red Badge of Courage
20 – The Scarlet Letter
21 – The Time Machine
22 – The Wind in the Willows
23 – To Kill a Mockingbird
24 – War and Peace
25 – Tom Sawyer
26 – Huckleberry Finn
The books have custom textures made by Axhoff. They can be found here and look great when placed in order in a bookshelf! Check the pictures to see.
If you are having trouble finding the books, I’ve listed their locations in the Readme section of the mod page. Of course, the idea is to find them! But if you’re stumped for whatever reason or just want them NOW, be sure to check over there.
To install, place the files in your ‘SteamSteamAppsCommonSkyrimData’ folder. Then activate the mod through your preferred launcher by ticking the checkbox next to the esp. Have fun reading!