Custom Uncapper for Ordinator
Based of Better Leveling by aselnor, Custom Uncapper for Ordinator contains a .ini file make Ordinator more rewarding at levelup. Required Elys Uncapper and is recommended but not required Ordinator – Perks Of Skyrim by Enai Siaion.
Since the 4.0 version this mod has two uncapper settings which you can choose from
the Installer. The first is the original, not more tested by me, Custom, and the 2nd, Simple, more
similar at the Vanilla but in my opinion, more balanced and more interesting.
2. Skyrim -Community- Uncapper
Ordinator – Perks Of Skyrim
This mod has two uncapper settings: Simple and Custom.
The Custom setting is more slower than vanilla leveling and make the
character take very long time for leveling. The skills can reach 255 but are uncapped
at 155 for balancing, you gain more perk points at levelup and the non-combat skill
add very few exp at levelup once reaching level 40, for now.
The Simple setting is more similar at Vanilla leveling system. The skills are capped to 100,
The skill gain for every skill are slighty different from vanilla since some skill grow more
faster than others. Alchemy for example, in my opinion, grow very slower than One-handed.
1. Download and Install Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) if you have not install it yet.
2. Download and Install Skyrim -Community- Uncapper if you have not install it yet.
3. Install the main file under the Skyrim directory. If you use Mod Organizer than you must
check Elys -Community- Uncapper for your mod list (thanks to Old Book for this info.)
4. (Optional) Download the Optional file for useful information about the uncapper.