Daedric Crossbow
Dawnguard is required !!!
If you don’t have Dawnguard you get a crash in the main menu.
Added a High-Damage-Version on request. A crossbow variant of the daedric with 300 damage is now craftable. Just replace the old .esp with that one from the optional file.
Because of the proplems with the nexus I added a mirror for the crossbow and the not-red-bolts.
I read some requests and so: here they are: Exploding daedric bolts of fire/ice/shock.
As requested I have uploaded a small replacer for my bolts with the standart bolt fx and not with my red one.
I reworked the handguard so it won’t clip into the armor and the loading-mechanismn works too.
I added also an enhanced version of the crossbow and adjusted the stats for all a bit.
Also I changed the texture-path so every daedra-retex works for the crossbow as well.
The crossbow can now be found in the daedra section and not any more in steel.
Just one word: Bolts!
Now there are two versions of the crossbow:
The first ist, just like the bolts, craftable, weaker than before, but it has got still one dps more than the dwemercrossbow.
The second you can only find in the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. It does much more damage but is also much slower, so it is good for first-hits.
Both can be upgraded.
Thanks for your friendly comments and good suggestions.
This mod adds a daedric crossbow to the game.
Since Dawnguard came out, I thougt that the new crossbow seems to be too small for the better armor sets,
so this crossbow is a bit more impressive.
You can find it in the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon.
Dawnguard is required!
Note: There could be a bug, so there could be a game crash when you equip another weapon after equipping the crossbow. Please write in the comments if this bug appears.
I noticed that this is probably caused by packing my files in a .bsa archiev, so if the bug appears I will upload a not packed version on the nexus.