Den of Vuspyre
The miners of Skyrim talk about a buried mine near northern Skyrim. It is rumored to contain every ore known to mankind for any miner to obtain. A group of bandits have gotten hold of the mine. Will you obtain it? And will you dare venture deeper into the mines? The choice is up to you.
Immerse yourself in this atmospheric dungeon.
The miners of Skyrim talk about a buried mine near northern Skyrim, yet they fear for their lives in hysteria of the dangers that lie ahead. It is rumored to contain every ore known to mankind for any miner to obtain. A group of bandits have gotten a hold of the mine. Will you obtain it? And will you dare venture deeper into the mines? The choice is up to you.
This DLC adds a whole new area to explore! This mod includes:
*A grand mine with every ore in it — iron, silver, gold, orichalcum, corundum, moonstone, malachite, quicksilver, ebony. It is one of the biggest mines in Tamriel, yet known by only a few.
*Challenging enemies including some new enemies, as well
*A short story related to the dungeon (be sure to find a special book for a story!)
*Large atmospheric map to explore
*A lone wolf’s venture into the dungeon.
*…and much more to discover.
Recommended for lvl 25+ (Beaten once by a lvl 15 on Master difficult with sheer strategy by Netsky/holy. Bravo!)
Please comment below if you do find a bug, and I will update the description with the bug and your username until it is fixed. Constructive criticism and appreciatory comments are welcome!
List of bugs currently reported:
*Once you exit the dungeon, your follower/horse may not be with you. Simply open the map and fast-travel to Den of Vuspyre.
*May be incompatible with the following mod(s): – Wr33k#av0c 3/14/2012
-Quest: And the Realm of Daedra
“Ok I’ve managed to find a solution : the conflict happens with the mod « Quest: And the Realms of Daedra »… If the later is activated AND yours is not, then no grass in Hjerim ; If yours is activated AND NOT the realms of daedra, then no grass in Hjerim. If BOTH are activated AND yours is placed BEFORE in the load order list, I can see grass ; If BOTH are activated AND yours is placed AFTER in the load order list, no grass is displayed. ”
-thanks to hawkfest for the information.
I will do weekly updates.
Thanks for playing!
===Update versions===
*3/20/2012 – 1.3
-added a landscape path for the player to return to first room after defeating the final boss
-fixed grindstone issue
-players can now bring companions
-added one more enemy…surprise waiting–explore.
-fixed the note bug
-rescaled the warhammer to fit weapon rack
-improved lighting
*3/15/2012 – 1.2
-fixed bug where two of the gold mines are not working
-added more enemies at the final area
-added a treasure box in the steam room
-added more static objects to increase atmosphere
-reorganized some navmeshes
-strengthened the “?”
-the final boss is harder
-Drequ Straz does not respawn anymore
-increased recommended lvl from 20 to 25.
-removed random seam
*3/11/2012 – 1.1
-fixed bug when the entrance to the den is not visible
-fixed bug when the initial NPC would not respond to player’s presence
-fixed bug where a Dwemer Sphere would get stuck at a place
-fixed bug when the final boss does not move
-fixed bug when part of the entrance was invisible
-updated two items for better gameplay
-improved lighting effects
-removed an unused candle that was stuck to the ceiling
-replaced a visible seam with appropriate static object
-reorganized Dwemer statues
-reorganized the triggers of the final boss and enemies
-reorganized some textures
*3/11/2012 – 1.0
-Uploaded Den of Vuspyre