DragonBall Z Overhaul Project

Skyrim Mods |

DragonBall Z Overhaul Project

Adds Magic, Mayhem and New and Altered Spell Effects, complete ( or ) without Dragonball Z Voiceovers!

Dragon, Dragon, Rock the Dragonborn!

Here’s our first pre-CK build of the Skyrim Dragonball overhaul. This has been a few weeks in the making, we hope you enjoy!


UPDATE! Special 1.5 teaser!!!!

New Kamehameha STANDALONE download with ESP! ( Located in Main Files
This adds in 4 new and more improved KAMEHAMEHA’S!

*IMPROVED DAMAGE!!! ( you’ll evaporate sabercats in a blink of an eye and dragons will fear you!)

Spell Tome ID’s are:
Krillin Kamehameha a000d6a
Goku Kamehameha a000d6f
Fast Cast Kamehameha ( Goku) a000d72
Japanese Goku Kamehameha a000d76

Also you can just bring up console and type “help kamehameha 0 and just add to inventory that way!

Version 1.0 Includes ( you can also download ala carte)
New Warpaints ( replaces warpaints 4-7)
Sign of the Majin
Krillin’s Monk Dots
Tien Shinhan’s 3rd eye
New Spells ( alas they hijack other spells)
Lightning Storm Kamehameha ( Goku or Krillin)
Firecloak Powerup/Kaioken/SS
Magelight Solar Flare ( either Goku or Krillin voiced)
Ki Blasts with proper energy balls and huge explosion/dust clouds and environmental damage)
Ice Volley/Ice spear/Ice Spike is now Krillin’s Destructo-Disc ( the volley shoots 3!)
New Melee improvments
Dragonball swing sounds with increases blood spatter

Also included is a BAT file ( in skyrim open console and type “bat dragonball” after adding bat file to skyrim. This will give you all the spells, double your run speed, increase your jump height so it hangs and you can fire quick charge spells while “flying”, and drastically increase your unarmed damage to that of a saiyan warrior!

Installation notes:
open the respective zip file and merge with your skyrim/data folder.

More to come when the CK drops!

Also if you want a more Dragonball experience, download the following mods (props to the creators!)

1.5-Added Standalone Kamehameha Files

Bug/Problems ( to be fixed for 2.0)
Edit: I just added easy to install packs for goku and krillin for those who find the whole package install a PITA. Also added the warpaints to females as well (edit, need to fix them).

bug, freaky lights at winterhold college. the huge magelight mesh is the culprit so if it bugs you remove that file. *edit*

Author: Rigormortician and Redman
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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