Dwemer Coin -Collectable Item-
Dwemer Coin item. Mesh/Texture made by InsanitySorrow
Dwemer Coins for collecting and selling from East Skyrim to Solstheim. You may find them in chests within the Dwarven Ruins near Morrowind and within Solstheim.
If you wish to add them via console type: help “Dwemer Coin”. After that type player.additem (itemID)
There are no cursed coins in this.
If there are any problems and/or concerns please contact through the posts.
Future Plans- Add Dwemer coins to more areas (i.e. Blackreach, all other ruins, Markarth Museum)
REQUIREMENTS: Skyrim 1.8+, Dragonborn DLC
CREDITS: Meshes and Textures were made by InsanitySorrow