Easy NPC creation tutorial
This is a step by step basic tutorial how to create NPCs, placement, using NPC editor and CK combined, tips, how to export your game char to create an NPC, lots of screenshots and more, everything you need to start your own NPC project. Many did ask me how do i create my NPCs and for a tutorial so here it is.
The main file contains a pdf file with 31 pages of a detailed tutorial.
Chapter 2 main file contains a pdf file with 27 pages of a detailed tutorial.
Read the description bellow for both tutorials:
-CHAPTER 1 – base tutorial
Beside the tutorial itself you will find useful tips and tricks, links and detailed description about using the NPC editor.
Everything you need to start your own NPC project.
Inside this tutorial ill show you how did i create most of my NPC mods, lots of pictures for reference and useful console commands, using NPC editor and CK combined and the basics of tesvsnip .esp cleanup.
It also shows the creation of one npc from start to finish actually my own char.
Now you can have a twin brother/sister as a follower by simply exporting the .npc file and use it with the CK or just create your very own unique NPC.
Populate Skyrim with your creations.
This tutorial has been featured in the video by insane0hflex 🙂 big thanks to him its the first time my release has been featured, watch it may you will find some other interesting mods you like
CHAPTER 2 – Using custom content plugins/mods with NPCs
In this 2nd chapter you will find useful tips and tricks again, links and detailed description about using the NPC editor to add custom content “plugins” or better “mods” to your NPC projects.
Lots of images and as much detailed description i can provide about custom content, cleanup of the files afterwards, NPC Editor’s function to merge some types of mods and more.
Also covers the use of my mod Sylvia’s warpaint tattoos. (link bellow and in the tutorial)
Includes a short screenshooting tutorial with useful console commands for those who don’t know about them yet, the very same tricks i use for my shots.
Featuring my latest NPC creation Sylvia.
Mychar testing NPC & troubleshooting guide:
Download read it and use the testing npc if you are having any problems before contacting me.
This is mainly for those who followed the tutorial and still got it wrong, it will help you find out what mistakes you may have done and to find out how to solve it.
Included in this file is the “Mychar” NPC the very same one i created when writing the first tutorial, so use him as a template to find out easily what could cause your problem.
For more information read the included guide – pdf file 4 pages.
Manual installation of the testing NPC recommended.
Discontinued and there are some tutorial already about making a standalone NPC
If you are a fan of the “showracemenu” command i suggest a mod to help you see more clearly anywhere you are and even in the dark try photo booth.
Advantage of that mod is that it uses a photo-studio-like 3-point lighting setup with a neutral background for perfectly clear character renders