El gran libro de Alquimia -Spanish only-
Hello, this mod adds a book to the game with all the alchemy recipes to be able to. Check it out in game.
I know there are programs that show you all the recipes in Spanish, but until now there was no
nothing to consult within the game and role players, this type of thing interests us
to increase the immersion (although it is achieved by a console code xD).
Keep in mind that I have copied everything manually, so there may be some wrong lyrics.
To get the book you have to enter the following code in the command console:
player.additem 0002e666 1
-Version 4 volumes-
To get the volumes you have to enter the following code in the command console:
Healing and Restoration……..player.additem 0002e666 1
Reinforcements…………………..player.additem 0002e667 1
Alteration and Resistances…….player.additem 0002e668 1
Poisons………………..player.additem 0002e669 1
The introduction has been made by Garekman (from the www.clandlan.net forums), who has a talent
to create incredible fantasy stories xD.
Copy the file “The-Great-Book-of-Alchemy.esp” into your “Data” folder, by default:
C:\Program Files > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Skyrim > Data
oC:\Program Files(x86) > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Skyrim > Data
Then activate it in “data files” from the launcher (launcher) of the game.
Simply delete the file “The-Great-Book-of-Alchemy.esp” inside your “Data” folder.
It is not an error per se, but at the end of the book some strange symbols appear, I don’t know why (it does not affect the text of the book at all).