Elixir of Perk – Buy perk points
Adds a new potion to the game that gives you one perk point when you drink it. You can buy the potion at Arcadia’s Cauldron in Whiterun. The potion cost 30.000 gold so you won’t be able to buy lots of it. Works perfectly with perk overhaul mods.
He only gave me the rights to publish a new version where the potion has its own model.
If you have already downloaded its version in the past, make sure you don’t have any PerkPointPotion.dll andPerkPointPotion.ini files from your [Skyrim]\Data\SKSE\Plugins folder, if you do, just delete them.
If you have collected a lot of gold and don’t know what to buy, this mod will allow you to buy
Perk Point Potions (Elixir of Perk) from Arcadia in Whiterun. The potion increases your Perk Points by one.
Please note that Elixir of Perk is not cheap! Perhaps, this mod can be useful only at late game,
when making money becomes easier than leveling your character.
Probably you will be shocked by the potion price, but note that Skyrim merchants sell everything at triple price.
You can get significant discount if you have high Speech level with activated haggling perks,
have Fortify Barter equipment, potions, blessings etc…
You can use the Perk Potion Price Editor to change the price of the potion.
You can download it separately.
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim version or higher.
SKSE – Skyrim Script Extender (compatible with your Skyrim version)http://skse.silverlock.org/
Nexus Mod Manager (recommended)
Installation and Usage
After installing the mod, make sure it works properly. In the game console type: help “Elixir of Perk” 4
The result should look something like this: ALCH (xx000D63) ‘Elixir of Perk’
xx is load order of the plugin, and this number is different for different users. In my game xx = 03 (03000D63).
After you obtained a valid ID for Elixir of Perk, type: player.additem [ID] [amount]
For example, I type: player.additem 03000D63 5 to get 5 elixirs.
Also, you can go to Arcadia in Whiterun and buy one. If you don’t have enough money to buy the elixir, you can type player.additem F 100000 in the console to get 100000 of gold.
Drink the elixir and check if the Perk Points increased. If it’s not working, check the FAQ section below.
Manual installation:
Copy PerkPointPotion.esp file into [Skyrim]\Data folder.
Copy AddPerkPointEffect.pex file into [Skyrim]\Data\Scripts folder.
Q: I drank the potion but no Perk Points added.
A: This usually means that SKSE is not loaded or not working properly. Do the following:
Make sure you’re launching skse_loader.exe and not TESV.exe.
Try to start skse_loader.exe with admin rights.
If you have installed Perk Point Potion mod manually, then try to reinstall it with Nexus Mod Manager.
Q: Will this mod work with other versions of Skyrim?
A: The current version of the mod works with Skyrim v1.6.89.0 and theoretically should work with higher version of Skyrim (future updates), just requires compatible SKSE.
Skyrim v1.4.21 – v1.5.26.0 users can find compatible version in the Files tab, in OLD VERSIONS section.
Q: After buying an Elixir of Perk from Arcadia, I can no longer sell anything back to her, she’ll happily take my stuff,
but I get no money for it.
A: This is NOT caused by my mod, this is a game bug. As far as I noticed if a vendor has 32768 or more gold, you won’t receive any money for selling your stuff.